
  • 未定名Talk to Me前传电影 Untitled Talk To Me Prequel


    导演:丹尼·菲利普, 迈克尔·菲利普   编剧:


      The story focus on the embalmed hand and Duckett's story before the events of the first film.
      已秘密拍摄完成,伪纪录片&桌面电影形式。本片并非A24尚未拍摄的Talk to M e续集Talk 2 Me,而是以片中角色Duckett为主角的前传故事,暂无发行商,但预计将于近期面世。

  • 死胎 Nati Morti


    导演:Alex Visani   编剧:Alex Visani

    主演:Corinna Coroneo, Lorenzo Lepori, Ester Andriani

      Luna is a young embalmer with a strange passion for everything concerning death. One day, during a trip in the woods, she finds two bodies. The first one is a dead woman, the other one is a man who is still barely breathing.