
  • 在我头顶,繁星满天 Le Ciel étoilé au-dessus de ma tête


    导演:伊兰·克利佩尔   编剧:伊兰·克利佩尔, Raphaël Neal

    主演:Laurent Poitrenaux, 卡米尔·查莫, 玛丽莲·坎托, 阿尔玛·佐杜洛夫斯基, François Chattot, 米歇尔·莫雷蒂, Frank Williams, Raphaël Neal, Marc-Antoine Vaugeois, Armelle Abibou, 柔伊·布鲁诺

      Bruno has published a fiery first novel in 1996. The Press headlined: "There is a before and after the starry sky above my head." Twenty years later, Bruno has 50 years. He is single, he has no children, and lives in cohabit with a young Femen. He rises at 14h and spends most of his days in his boxers in search of the inspiration. For him everything is going well, but his relat...

  • Au pan coupé


    导演:Guy Gilles   编剧:

    主演:玛莎·梅赫勒, Patrick Jouane, 贝尔纳·维尔莱

      France - 1967 - 80’
      Avec Patrick Jouané, Macha Méril, Bernard Verley.
      Une jeune fille se souvient et revit son amour pour un jeune révolté, ancien fugueur et délinquant, qui refuse jusqu'à la mort, le monde tel qu'il est.

  • Tire-au-flanc 62


    导演:克劳德·德吉弗雷, 弗朗索瓦·特吕弗   编剧:克劳德·德吉弗雷, 安德烈·穆埃-埃翁, 安德烈·西尔文, 弗朗索瓦·特吕弗

    主演:Christian de Tillière, 赖斯特-巴里耶, 雅克·巴吕坦

      Jean Lerat de la Grignotière is as full of himself as his name is long. Heeding (somewhat reluctantly to be true) the call of the Motherland he goes to the barracks where he is to accomplish his military duty. Posted to Corporal Bourrache's platoon he is surprised to meet there...Joseph, his own servant. Making blunder after blunder Jean gets hazed by his comrades and punished ...

  • J'ai droit au plaisir


    导演:克劳德·皮尔森   编剧:Huguette Boisvert

    主演:Laure Cottereau, Anne Sand, Alain Saury, Gabriel Coez, Christian Duroc, 米歇尔·福尔热


  • Au secours!

    类型:喜剧片电影, 悬疑片电影, 恐怖片电影, 短片电影

    导演:阿贝尔·冈斯   编剧:阿贝尔·冈斯, Max Linder

    主演:麦克斯·林代, Jean Toulout, Gina Palerme

      据说当年一位叫Linder的导演和本片导演打赌,看他能不能在3天之内拍出一部片子。于是本片导演Abel Gance想到要把Linder女友的家拍成鬼宅,并且捉弄他一下。

  • Touchez pas au zizi


    导演:帕特里斯·罗姆   编剧:

    主演:碧姬·莱尔, Michel David, Bernard Hug, Joëlle Le Quément, 帕梅拉·史丹佛, Maria Catalard, Noëlle Louvet

      Achille(Michel David饰)是一个好男孩,一个迷恋女性和崇拜他的雇主Alex的幻想家,Achille帮他的雇主照看乡间别墅。他在情色杂志上发布署名为zizi的小广告,让自己扩大知名度,并用小喜剧来证明自己的戏剧天赋,像扮演女性角色。一天晚上当他正要讲述一个伪装成女人的独白时,一位高贵的女人出现了,Karen(碧姬·莱尔饰)来拜访zizi了。

  • 狂奔 AU GALOP


    导演:路易多·德·朗克桑   编剧:路易多·德·朗克桑

    主演:瓦伦蒂娜·切尔维, 拉尔夫·阿穆苏, 泽维尔·布瓦, 洛朗·卡佩路 Laurent Capelluto, 阿丽斯·德·朗克桑, 路易多·德·朗克桑, 玛尔特·克勒尔, 安德烈·马尔孔, 德尼·波达利德斯, Emola Romo-Renoir, 贝尔纳·维尔莱

      Ada was settled in her life, she was pleased with it, or thought she was. She was one half of a couple who seemed happy, she’d had a child, was even due to get married, and wham… she met Paul… And this Paul was writer to boot, who lived alone with his grown daughter, had an exceedingly intrusive mother, and had the unfortunate idea of losing his father when this story had hardl...

  • 往南走 Au Sud


    导演:利奥内尔·巴耶   编剧:利奥内尔·巴耶, Julien Bouissoux, 洛朗·拉里维埃

    主演:伊莎贝尔·卡雷, 西奥多·佩尔兰, 尤拉西纳·拉尔迪

      Nathalie Adler is on a mission for the EU in Sicily. She organizes the next visit of Macron and Merkel to a migrant camp. Their presence has a high symbolic value to show that everything is under control. But who still wants to believe in this European family on the verge of a nervous breakdown? Probably not Albert, Nathalie's son, an NGO activist who arrives without warning. H...

  • Au poste!


    导演:昆汀·杜皮约   编剧:昆汀·杜皮约

    主演:Johnny Malle, 洛朗·尼古拉斯, 米歇尔·阿扎纳维西于斯, Pedro Winter, 阿兰·夏巴, Sébastien Lozach, 约翰·西希尔, Rémy Steelcox, 伯努瓦·波尔沃德, 格雷瓜尔·鲁迪格, 马克·弗赖兹, 阿娜伊斯·德穆斯蒂埃, Orelsan, 菲利普·杜克斯纳, Jacky Lambert, 珍妮·罗莎, 文森特·格拉斯, Nahel Ange, July Messéan


  • Au bal de Flore


    导演:爱丽丝·盖伊   编剧:
