
  • 粘在一起的隔离 8 Rue de l'Humanité


    导演:丹尼·伯恩   编剧:丹尼·伯恩, 洛朗斯·阿尔内

    主演:丹尼·伯恩, ·, 弗朗索瓦·达密安, 伊万·阿达勒, Jorge Calvo, 艾莉森·惠勒, 汤姆·里布, 莉莲娜·罗维埃, 娜威尔·玛达尼, 艾丽·赛门

      《粘在一起的隔离 8 Rue de l'Humanité》(法语:8 Rue de l'Humanité,意为 '人道街 8 号')是 2021 年上映的一部法国喜剧电影,由达尼-布恩执导,劳伦斯-阿内和达尼-布恩编剧,弗朗索瓦·达密安 、劳伊万·阿达勒共同出演了这部温馨又充满趣味的隔离生活影片。该片于 2021 年 10 月 20 日由 Netflix 上映。
      由于 COVID-19 的流行,巴黎的街道变得冷清。当巴黎在疫情期间进入封锁状态时,公寓楼里各式各样的居民必须适应一种新生活。一些人逃往外省,但仍有七户人家留在位于第 11 区人文街 8 号的楼房里。在这栋楼里的居民中,有竭尽全力开店的小酒馆老板,有雄心勃勃想要找到疫苗的科学家,有臆想症患者和他的律师妻子,后者正试图协调职业生活和家庭生活,有通过视频会议授课却开始发胖的体育教练,还有他怀孕 7 个月的伴侣,她的一首反 COVID 的歌曲在网上疯传。还有一个白手起家的男人,事业有成,却发现自己的年级甚至比不上 8 岁的儿子。这种禁闭也有积极的作用: 在这三个月的禁闭期间,所有这些居民都将经历欢乐和焦虑,发现彼此,拉近距离,争吵与和解。

      Stuck Together (French: 8 Rue de l'Humanité; lit. 'No.8 Humanity Street') is a 2021 French comedy film directed by Dany Boon, written by Laurence Arné and Dany Boon and starring Dany Boon, Liliane Rovère and Yvan Attal. It was released on 20 October 2021 by Netflix.
      Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and containment, the streets of Paris are deserted. While some have fled in the provinces, seven families remain in their building at 8 rue de l'Humanité in the 11th arrondissement. Among the inhabitants of the building are in particular the owner of the bistro who is doing everything to open her establishment, an ambitious scientist wanting to find the vaccine, a hypochondriac and his lawyer wife who is trying to reconcile her professional life and her family life, a sports coach who gives his lessons by videoconference but begins to gain weight, his 7-month pregnant partner who goes viral with an anti-COVID song. There is also a self-made man who is successful in business but finds out that he does not even have the grade level of his 8 year old son. This confinement also has positive effects: During these three months of confinement, all these inhabitants will experience joys and anxieties, discover each other, get closer, argue and reconcile.