
  • 国家地理-恐龙猎人 The Dinosaur Hunters


    导演:安德鲁·派丁顿   编剧:Steven Clarke, 安德鲁·派丁顿, J·C·威尔舍

    主演:亨利·伊安·库斯克, 保罗·布赖特威尔, Michelle Bunyan, 艾伦·考克斯, Kristian Griffiths, 德里克·雅各比, Rebecca McClay, Robert Morgan, Michael Pennington, 蕾切尔·雪莉, Laurie Goode


  • 保家谋杀案 Not in My Back Yard


    导演:彼得·史密斯   编剧:J·C·威尔舍

    主演:约翰·纳特尔斯, 杰森·休斯, 多米尼克·马夫海姆, 多萝西·阿特金森, 皮特·艾甘

      In the village of Great Pelfe Maureen Stubbs from the Midsomer Conservation Society is stabbed to death after openly accusing builder Geoff Rogers and councillor James Otley of conspiring to ruin the look of the village by rushing through a plan to build modern housing. Supporters of the plan are targeted by a burglar,who turns out to be David Walsh,a supporter of the Conservat...