
  • 七宗罪 Les sept péchés capitaux


    导演:伊夫·阿莱格雷, 克洛德·奥当-拉哈, 爱德华多·德·菲利波, 让·戴维尔, 乔治·拉孔布, 卡洛·里姆, 罗伯托·罗西里尼   编剧:罗伯托·罗西里尼, 夏尔·斯巴克, 图里·瓦西里, 勒·惠勒, 让·奥朗什, 克洛德·奥当-拉哈, Jules-Amédée Barbey d'Aurevilly, 艾维而·巴赞, 皮埃尔·博斯特, 科莱特, 迭戈·法布里, Liana Ferri, 莱奥·若阿农, 安东尼奥·彼得兰杰利, 卡洛·里姆

    主演:弗朗塞特·韦尔尼耶, 加布里埃尔·戈班, 雅克·法布里, Claire Gérard, 莫里斯·罗内, Laure Paillette, Claude Arvelle, Julienne Paroli,

      A French/Italian co-production with two episodes from Italy and five from France covering the seven deadly sins---actually eight as two of the sins are covered in one episode while a new "eighth unknown sin" has an episode of its own. Gerald Philipe is a wry, flip carnival barker who introduces each episode and then narrates the last episode dealing with the "eighth unknown sin...