
  • 梦履冰上 Zero Chill

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:   编剧:Kirstie Falkous, John Regier

    主演:Grace Beedie, -·, 道格·拉奥, Dakota Taylor, 克里斯蒂娜·谭


  • 奇境 Wonderland


    导演:迈克尔·温特伯顿   编剧:劳伦斯·柯雷特

    主演:雪莉·亨德森, 吉娜·麦基, 莫莉·帕克, 伊恩·哈特, 约翰·西姆, 斯图尔特·汤森德, 基卡·马卡姆, 杰克·谢菲尔德, 恩佐·科伦蒂, -·, 内森·坎斯坦茨

      There's little wonder in the working-class lives of Bill, Eileen, and their three grown daughters. They're lonely Londoners. Nadia, a cafe waitress, places personal ads, looking for love; Debbie, a single mom, entertains men at the hair salon after hours; her son spends part of the weekend with her ex, a man with a hair-trigger temper. Molly is expecting her first baby and its ...

  • 幻海童真:圣诞故事 Prancer A Christmas tale

    类型:剧情片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:菲尔·霍金斯   编剧:格雷格·泰勒

    主演:Holly Hayes, 弗兰克·维尔克, 詹姆斯·克伦威尔, Darcey Ewart, -·, 阿隆·麦克卡斯克, 约瑟夫·米尔森, Stephanie Levi-John, Florisa

      Ten-year-old Gloria and her recently widowed grandfather Bud befriend a mysterious reindeer when the family gather for Christmas. Bud comes to believe that Prancer may actually be magical, but Gloria fears his theory will send him straight to a retirement home.