
  • 深爱 Amar a muerte

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 同性片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Garza, Angelique Boyer, 米歇尔·布朗, 亚历杭德罗·诺斯, Arturo Barba, 玛卡瑞娜·阿查加, Claudia Martín, 杰西卡·马斯, 贡萨洛·佩尼亚,

      The series is a complex story of destinies that intersect when they assassinate a media mogul on their wedding day, at the same time that an assassin in the United States is executed in the electric chair. The tycoon's soul is reincarnated in the body of the hit man and, in turn, the killer's soul ends up in the body of a professor of anthropology. Now, every man will not only ...

  • 直男 Straight


    导演:Marcelo Tobar   编剧:Scott Elmegreen, Drew Fornarola, Marcelo Tobar

    主演:亚利桑德罗·斯佩特泽尔, 弗兰克·马西尼, ·

      故事讲述了两个男人在约会软件中坠入爱河,但是他们之间存在一个巨大的问题:其中一方已经有了女朋友。影片以双性恋为题材,改编自斯科特·埃尔梅格林 (Scott Elmegreen)和德鲁·佛纳罗拉 (Drew Fornarola)于2016年创作的同名舞台剧。男主演亚利桑德罗·斯佩特泽尔(Alejandro Speitzer)曾于2018年出演了墨西哥版同名舞台剧的同一角色。

  • 百合无忌 Juliantina


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:玛卡瑞娜·阿查加, ·

      Story of two girls with many differences such as social status and education. but that didn't stop them from being very good friends who ended up falling in love. With a surprising and nothing morbid interpretation the actresses gave voice and courage to many to express their feelings without fear. A love story that shows us that Love is Love.