
  • 夏之岚 土方巽 夏の嵐


    导演:荒井美三雄, 土方巽   编剧:土方巽

    主演:土方巽, , 和栗由紀夫

      暗黑舞踏,又称舞踏,是由大野一雄和土方巽 在1959 年开创,它是当时艺术家结合传统日本舞踊和西方现代舞,重新诠释身体语言,并试图对日本皇权提出批判的一种新舞蹈形式。舞踏家表演时光头裸体,性别倒错,身上涂满白粉,着奇装异服,在舞台上暴烈呐喊,并配合扭曲变形的肢体语言,呈现一幅幅几近原始的画面。

  • 黑暗舞踏:危机边缘上的肉体 Butoh: Body on the Edge of Crisis


    导演:Michael Blackwood   编剧:Bonnie Sue Stein

    主演:天児牛大, , 麿赤児, 中嶋夏, 大野一雄, 大塚勇, 田中泯

      Although Butoh is often viewed as Japan's equivalent of modern dance, in actuality it has little to do with the rational principles of modernism. Butoh is a theater of improvisation which places the personal experiences of the dancer on center-stage. The dancer is used as a medium to his or her inner life, but not for the portrayal of day to day existence. A Dionysian dance of ...