
  • 真假盗魁 The Whole Town Is Talking

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:约翰·福特   编剧:乔·斯沃林, 罗伯特·里斯金, 威廉·赖利·伯内特

    主演:Hildebrand, Maurice Brierre, 艾尔·希尔, Don Brodie, Carol Holloway, Monte Carter, Nancy Caswell, Allan Cavan,

      Arthur Ferguson Jones (Edward G. Robinson) and Wilhelmina Clark (Jean Arthur) work at the same accounting firm. Jones turns out to look exactly like the notorious bank robber "Killer" Mannion (also Robinson) and is apprehended by the police.
      After his true identity is confirmed, the district attorney gives Jones a letter identifying him, so that he can avoid the same trouble in...

  • 黑天使 Black Angel

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 音乐片电影, 犯罪片电影, 黑色电影片电影

    导演:罗伊·威廉·尼尔   编剧:罗伊·尚斯洛尔, 康奈尔·伍尔里奇

    主演:Clair, Vilova, 罗伯特威廉姆斯, 弗洛伦丝·奥尔, Ralph Brooks, ·, 玛丽·菲尔德, 丹·德亚, 琼·文森特, 彼得·洛, 布罗德里克·克劳福德, 康斯坦丝·道灵


  • 跳进来的新娘 The Perfect Specimen


    导演:迈克尔·柯蒂兹   编剧:诺曼·赖利·雷恩, Lawrence Riley, Brewster Morse, Fritz Falkenstein, 塞缪尔·霍普金斯·亚当斯

    主演:Burtis, Huey White, ·, Lottie Williams, 斯潘塞·查特斯, Hal Craig, 埃罗尔·弗林, 琼·布朗德尔, 休·赫伯特, 爱德华·艾沃瑞特·霍顿,

      Raised in seclusion to be the epitome of mental, physical and moral perfection, Gerald Beresford Wicks is resigned to following his grandmother's wishes until a chance encounter with Mona Carter leads him into the outside world.

  • 百老汇比尔 Broadway Bill

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:弗兰克·卡普拉   编剧:罗伯特·里斯金, 马克·黑林格, 西德尼·巴克曼

    主演:·, Irene Coleman, 海尼·康克林, 基诺科拉多, 汤姆·科斯特洛, 伊内兹·考特尼, Edith Craig, Phyllis Crane, Kernan Cripps, Beatrice

      Tycoon J.L. Higgins controls his whole family, but one of his sons-in-law, Dan Brooks, and his daughter Alice are fed up with that. Brooks quits his job as manager of J.L.'s paper-box factory and devotes his life to his racing horse Broadway Bill, but his bankroll is thin, luck is against him, and he is arrested because of $150 he owes somebody for horse feed, but suddenly a pl...

  • 偷渡者 Stowaway

    类型:歌舞片电影, 家庭片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:威廉·A·塞特尔   编剧:威廉·M·孔塞尔曼, 亚瑟·谢尔曼, 纳特·佩林, 萨缪尔·G·恩格尔, Richard Sherman

    主演:Beal Wong, Jayne Regan, Julius Tannen, 冯威利, 安必立, Paul McVey, 海伦·杰尔姆·埃迪, William Stack, Honorable Wu,


  • 华人侦探陈查理之秘密服务 Charlie Chan In The Secret Service

    类型:喜剧片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:菲尔·罗森   编剧:George Callahan

    主演:·, Lelah Tyler, 戴维森·克拉克, John Elliott, 乔治·莱西, Gene Oliver, 悉尼·托勒, 曼坦·莫兰, Arthur Loft, Gwen Kenyon

      A scientist working on an important new invention which will protect Allied shipping from U-boat torpedoes has been assigned Secret Service security protection. Amazingly, despite the fact that his laboratory and experiments are located on the upper floor of his Washington mansion, he decides to host a cocktail party for friends on the first floor. Even though several of his gu...

  • 黑暗军团 Black Legion

    类型:剧情片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:阿齐·梅奥   编剧:阿贝姆·芬克尔, 威廉·威斯特·海恩斯, 罗伯特·劳德

    主演:萨利, Francis Sayles, Emmett Vogan, Paul Stanton, Max Wagner, 保罗·格雷茨, Don Barclay, Ted Bliss, 约翰·巴特勒,

      弗兰克(亨弗莱·鲍嘉 Humphrey Bogart 饰)是一个在工作上非常认真的男人,他的人生目标只有一个,那就是在职场上不断的往上爬,挣更多的钱,带给妻子鲁斯(埃琳·奥布莱恩-穆尔 Erin O'Brien-Moore 饰)和孩子更好的生活。所有的同事都十分的喜爱弗兰克,认可他对工厂的付出,认定了他将是下一任车间领班的不二人选,弗兰克自己也是这么认为的,因此,在升值令还没有下来之前,弗兰克就已经和妻子一同庆祝过这一喜事了。