
  • 武士警察2:致命复仇 Samurai Cop 2: Deadly Vengeance

    类型:动作片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:格里高利·畑中   编剧:Rich Mallery, Tony T.L. Young, 格里高利·畑中, Amir Shervan

    主演:托马斯·丘吉尔, 拉尔夫·加曼, 格里高利·畑中, 凯登·克劳丝, 白灵, 马特·汉农, 马克·弗雷泽, 克兰斯顿·科莫罗, 肖恩·瑞恩, 托米·韦素, 劳伦妮·兰登, 梅丽莎·摩尔, 乔·艾斯特维兹, 西


  • 昆虫女孩 Sick Girl


    导演:拉齐·马凯   编剧:米克·加里斯, 希恩·胡德

    主演:安吉拉·贝蒂斯, 西·, 马西娅·贝内特

      The lonely, shy and lesbian etymologist Ida Teeter of The McNaughton Museum of Natural History is obsessed by her "pets", actually her collection of insects. She works with her colleague and friend Max, also her advisor in sexual behavior. Ida receives an anonymous package from Brazil with an unclassified insect but the weird bug breaks free from the box. Meanwhile Ida falls in...