
  • 有史以来卖得最好的电影 The Greatest Movie Ever Sold


    导演:摩根·史柏路克   编剧:摩根·史柏路克, Jeremy Chilnick

    主演:摩根·史柏路克, Paul Brennan, 诺姆·乔姆斯基, ·, Mark Crispin Miller, Rick Kurnit

      The initial announcement described the movie as “A documentary about branding, advertising and product placement is financed and made possible by branding, advertising and product placement.” Sounds like an interesting, if not gimmicky, concept.

  • 对抗邪恶:Harold Evans与反应停事件 Attacking the Devil: Harold Evans and the Last Nazi War Crime


    导演:David Morris, Jacqui Morris   编剧:David Morris, Jacqueline Morris

    主演:Harold Evans, John Fears, ·, 麦克·辛

      Harold Evans爵士在《星期日泰晤士报》供职的十四年(1967-1981)中,发表并推进了一系列影响重大的深度调查类报道。在那个年代,他能够调动手中的资源,组成记者工作小组,长期调查某一新闻项目。他曾经曝光英国情报机构高等官员Kim Philby实际是英国间谍,而在本片中,Harold Evans则讲述了他对反应停事件长期的追踪报道以及为之所进行的抗争。“反应停”最初在二战中被德方用来治疗沙林毒气所产生的不良后果。二战后,许多英国医生开始将其作为减轻孕妇妊娠反应的“良药”,并因此造成上万例新生儿畸形事件。为了让“反应停事件”的受害家庭获得相应的经济赔偿,《星期日泰晤士报》进行了长达十余年的奔走,Harold Evans更是持之以恒地一次次将药物公司告上法庭。

  • 不可理喻之人 An Unreasonable Man

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:Henriette Mantel, Steve Skrovan   编剧:Henriette Mantel, Steve Skrovan

    主演:·, 帕特·布坎南, Howard Zinn

      "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."
      -George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman (1903)
      "Maxims for Revolutionists"
      In 1966, General Motors, the most powerful corporation in the world, sent private investigators to dig up dirt on an obscure thir...

  • 所有政府的谎言:真相,欺骗,和伊西多尔·范斯坦·斯通精神 All Governments Lie: Truth, Deception, and the Spirit of I.F. Stone


    导演:Fred Peabody   编剧:

    主演:Stone, 伊西多尔·范斯坦·斯通, Chris Hedges, 莱斯利·莫维斯, 杰夫·科恩, Matt Taibbi, John Carlos Frey, 科林·鲍威尔, 亨利·基辛格, ·

      A look at the life and work of American journalist, I.F. Stone, who leads a one-man crusade against government deception.

  • 24小时战争 The 24 Hour War


    导演:Nate Adams, 亚当·卡罗拉   编剧:

    主演:Dan Gurney, 大卫·赫伯斯, Lee Holman, John Horsman, ·, Brian Redman, Carroll Shelby, 约翰·瑟蒂斯, Charlie Agapiou

      In the early 1960s, Henry Ford II and Enzo Ferrari went to war on the battlefield of Le Mans. This epic battle saw drivers lose their lives, family dynasties nearly collapse and the development of a new race car that changed racing.