
  • 世界的状态 O Estado do Mundo

    类型:剧情片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:艾易莎·阿夫拉姆, 香特尔·阿克曼, 王兵, 佩德罗·科斯塔, 比森特·费拉斯, 阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古   编剧:王兵, António Pinto-Ribeiro

    主演:, 吴刚, Ning Xu, Lu Ye, Shyam Bahadur, Jurandyr Ferreira, 萨卡达·卡温巴迪, Wake Li, Alfredo Mendes, 金吉拉·潘帕斯,

      Luminous People – Dir. Apichatpong Weerasethakul (Thailand)
      A group of people is sailing in the Mekong River, in the borderline between Thailand and Laos. Running against the wind, they anticipate the farewell. At some point in the river, the matriarch of the family throws the ashes along the stream. The white dust mixes with the mudded water. The boat turns back by the bridge ...

  • 刑男大主厨 Estômago


    导演:Marcos Jorge   编剧:Fabrizio Donvito (screenplay), Marcos Jorge (writer)

    主演:朱奥·米格尔, 法比乌娜·那西门托, ·, Carlo Briani, Zeca Cenovicz, Paulo Miklos, 吉安·皮埃尔·诺厄尔, Andrea Fumagalli

      监狱外的莱蒙多•诺南多(João Miguel 饰)身无分文,走投无路。在吃过霸王餐后,他留在佐米罗(Zeca Cenovicz 饰)的餐馆里帮工。他所做的炸鸡块招揽来许多顾客,既赢得了妓女伊丽雅(Fabiula Nascimento 饰)的芳心,也得到另一家餐馆的老板吉奥瓦尼(Carlo Briani 饰)的赏识……

  • 第34条法则 Regra 34


    导演:朱莉娅·穆拉特   编剧:Gabriel Bortolini, Gabriela Capello, Rafael Lessa, 朱莉娅·穆拉特, Roberto Winter

    主演:Samuel Toledo, Marina Merlino, Dani Ornellas, 朱莉娅·伯纳特 Julia Bernat, 西蒙娜·马泽尔 Simone Mazzer, Lucas Gouvêa,

      A movie that follows a young, black attorney who has spent years offering live, online sex performances to pay for law school and “endeavours to construct dialogues between different identities, without this leading to the annulment of identarian policies.