
  • 轮番上阵 Salitan


    导演:Bobby Bonifacio Jr.   编剧:Juvy Galamiton

    主演:Angelica Hart, Vern Kaye, Matthew Francisco, ·

      A wife suspects her husband of infidelity during a trip to Bali. She meets an attractive stranger who stirs unfaithful feelings within her. She contemplates encouraging her husband's unfaithfulness to reduce her guilt.

  • 三民窒 Sandwich


    导演:Jao Daniel Elamparo   编剧:Reynold Giba, 布里兰特·曼多萨

    主演:Katrina Dovey, Andrea Garcia, ·, Luke Selby, Richard Solano

  • 邪恶入侵 Manyak

    类型:惊悚片电影, 伦理片电影

    导演:Carlo Alvarez   编剧:Carlo Alvarez

    主演:Christine Bermas, ·, Sheree, Joko Diaz, Catherine Ashley, Beverly Benny, Joana David, Kate Denisse


  • 爱的代价 AFAM

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:Linnet Zurbano   编剧:Linnet Zurbano

    主演:·, Jela Cuenca, Rob Guinto, Giselle Sanchez, Katya Santos, Roi Alonte

      在这部性感的骚乱电影中,VMX 粉碎了杰拉昆卡和罗布金托争夺辣妹尼科洛科。Hazel 和 Daisy 的友谊可能会以一场战争结束,因为他们发现他们实际上在和同一个人约会,JJ aka Jamey,一个 AFAM。谁将赢得这个外国人的心?【Hazel 和 Daisy(Jela Cuenca 和 Robb Guinto)是 Bukang Liwayway 度假村的朋友和同事。她们在很多方面都不一样:Hazel 甜美又有点害羞,而 Daisy 坚强又唠叨,但她们都很体贴,随时准备恋爱……】

  • TL

    类型:剧情片电影, 伦理片电影

    导演:Jordan Castillo   编剧:Roni Benaid, Rijel Reyes

    主演:Jenn Rosa, ·, Armani Hector, Jonica Lazo, Manu Respall, Irish Tan, Ayra Salvador

      Brenda, a top agent in a BPO company, is always overlooked for promotion. But not this time; as she gets more than intimate with her TL. Is her long awaited position within her reach? Or did she just put herself in a bad situation?