
  • 黑暗将至 And Soon the Darkness

    类型:悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:罗伯特·富斯特   编剧:布莱恩·克莱门斯, 特瑞·内辛

    主演:帕梅拉·富兰克林, 米歇尔·多特里斯, ·

      Jane and Cathy, two English women in their early twenties, are on a cycling tour. While traveling in rural France, they begin to disagree about the route. Cathy would prefer to take things in at a leisurely pace, while Jane is trying to stick to strict schedule. After arguing, they part ways. When her friend fails to rejoin her, Jane begins to worry and returns to the last plac...