
  • 赌城艳史 Monte Carlo

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影, 歌舞片电影

    导演:恩斯特·刘别谦   编剧:布思·塔金顿, 欧内斯特·沃伊道, Evelyn Greenleaf Sutherland

    主演:杰克·布查楠, 珍妮特·麦克唐纳, · Claud Allister, 扎苏·皮茨


  • 名媛双胞案 Bulldog Drummond

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:F. Richard Jones   编剧:Herman C. McNeile, 悉尼 霍华德 (Sidney Howard), 华莱士·史密斯

    主演:罗纳德·考尔曼, ·, 琼·贝内特

      Hugh 'Bulldog' Drummond is a British WWI veteran who longs for some excitement after he returns to the humdrum existence of civilian life. He gets what he's looking for when a girl requests his help in freeing her uncle from a nursing home. She believes the home is just a front and that her uncle is really being held captive while the culprits try to extort his fortune from him...

  • 刁蛮公主 Kiss Me Kate

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影, 歌舞片电影

    导演:乔治·西德尼   编剧:多萝西·金斯利, 萨姆·斯皮瓦克, 贝拉·斯皮瓦克

    主演:戴夫·奥布莱恩, ·, 安·科迪, 卡罗尔·汉尼, 凯瑟琳·格雷森, 霍华德·基尔, 安·米勒, 基南·怀恩, 鲍比·范, 汤米·劳, 詹姆斯·惠特摩, 柯特·卡斯纳, 鲍勃·福斯, Ron

      《刁蛮公主 Kiss Me Kate》是麦德龙-戈德温-迈耶公司于 1953 年改编自 1948 年百老汇同名音乐剧的电影。
      该片的灵感来源于威廉-莎士比亚的戏剧《驯悍记》,讲述了曾经结过婚的音乐剧演员弗雷德-格雷厄姆(Fred Graham)和莉莉-瓦内西(Lilli Vanessi)在百老汇音乐剧版《驯悍记》中饰演彼特鲁乔和凯瑟琳的故事。
      多萝西-金斯利(Dorothy Kingsley)的剧本改编自贝拉和塞缪尔-斯佩瓦克(Samuel Spewack)的音乐剧作品,曾获美国编剧工会奖提名。歌曲由科尔-波特创作,索尔-卓别林(Saul Chaplin)和安德烈-普列文(André Previn)为影片配乐,他们还获得了奥斯卡奖提名。
      影片采用当时最先进的技术拍摄成 3-D 立体电影。立体 3-D 媒体的忠实拥护者通常将本片视为好莱坞发行的极化 3D 电影的最佳范例之一。

      Kiss Me Kate is a 1953 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film adaptation of the 1948 Broadway musical of the same name.
      Inspired by William Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew, it tells the tale of formerly married musical theater actors Fred Graham and Lilli Vanessi brought together to star opposite one another in the roles of Petruchio and Katherine in a Broadway musical version of Shakespeare's play.
      Already on poor terms, the pair skirmish from the start then break into an all-out emotional war mid-performance that threatens the production's success. The only thing keeping the show together are threats from a pair of gangsters who have come to collect a gambling debt.
      Dorothy Kingsley's screenplay, which was nominated for a Writers Guild of America Award, was adapted from the musical's book by Bella and Samuel Spewack. The songs were by Cole Porter, with musical underscoring by Saul Chaplin and André Previn, who were nominated for an Oscar. Hermes Pan choreographed most of the dance routines.
      The movie was filmed in 3-D, using the most advanced technology then available. Devotees of the stereoscopic 3-D medium usually cite this film as one of the best examples of a Hollywood release in polarized 3D.

  • 德古拉的女儿 Dracula's Daughter

    类型:剧情片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:兰伯特·希利尔   编剧:加勒特·富特, 布莱姆·斯托克

    主演:Clive, 奥托·克鲁格 Otto Kruger, 格洛丽亚·霍顿, 玛格丽特·丘吉尔, 爱德华·范·斯隆, 吉尔伯特·埃默里, 欧文·皮切尔, 哈利韦尔·霍布斯, 比利·贝文, 南·格雷, 赫达·霍珀,

      Hungarian countess Marya Zaleska seeks the aid of a noted psychiatrist, hoping to free herself of a mysterious evil influence.