
  • 寓言 The Fable


    导演:拉雷姆·雷迪   编剧:拉雷姆·雷迪

    主演:马诺杰·巴杰帕伊, 朴雅卡·鲍斯, 蒂洛塔玛·索姆, 迪帕克·迪布里亚尔, Hiral Sidhu, Awan Pookot, Viking, Ravi Bisht

      Spring 1989. High up in the Indian Himalayas, where even the birds fly low to avoid getting lost in the clouds, the soft-spoken Dev owns a sprawling estate of several orchards and lives in a colonial-style house with his family. He spends a lot of his time building human-sized wings which he puts on to take a quick morning flight over his land. One day, while walking through th...

  • 恶魔之矛:刺客信条4黑旗 The Devil's Spear: Assassin's Creed 4 - Black Flag

    类型:动作片电影, 短片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:Sam Gorski, Niko Pueringer   编剧:Sam Gorski, Niko Pueringer

    主演:Rob August, Alan Heyburn, Ken Lally, 马修·默瑟, Paradox Pollack, Amanda Shafer, John H L Viking

      关注《刺客信条4:黑旗》的玩家,一定对游戏中的几大反派有所了解,其中最惹人注意的莫过于黑胡子了,游戏的主角爱德华·肯威同样是一个令人闻风丧胆的海盗人物,近日,就有国外团队制作了一段名为“恶魔之矛(The Devil's Spear)”的《刺客信条4》真人短片,向我们讲述了一些关于他们劫掠海上的故事。