
  • 我的记忆 Эсимде


    导演:·   编剧:阿克坦·阿布德卡雷科夫

    主演:·, 米尔兰·阿布德卡雷科夫, 塔莱卡·阿比祖巴


  • 吉尔吉斯少年行 Beshkempir


    导演:·   编剧:阿克坦·阿布德卡雷科夫, Avtandil Adikulov, 马拉特·萨鲁卢

    主演:米尔兰·阿布德卡雷科夫, 阿迪尔·阿比卡西莫夫 Adir Abilkassimov, Mirlan Cinkozoev, Bakit Dzhylkychiev, Albina Imasheva, Talai Mederov

      在独立近的10年后的1998年,吉尔吉斯斯坦导演雅坦·阿迪卡可夫拍摄出个人首部长片,同时也是吉尔吉斯斯坦独立之后首部独立制作的影片。影片也从本质上脱离了苏联电影的影响,故事虽然简单,却拍得清新动人毫不造作。也许,那些童年的玩意能勾起你的无限思忆。片名The Adopted Son(养子)可谓暗蕴深意,影片曾在2001年第25...

  • 猩仔十七岁 Maimil


    导演:·   编剧:阿克坦·阿布德卡雷科夫, Artandie Adykyeov, Avtandil Adikulov

    主演:米尔兰·阿布德卡雷科夫, Dzylykcy Dzakypov, Sergey Golovkin, Alexandra Mitrokhina, Yuriy Sokolov, Salynbek Sarymsakov, Alexei Manzinbine


  • 盗光者 Свет-аке


    导演:·   编剧:阿克坦·阿布德卡雷科夫, Talip Ibrahimov

    主演:·, 塔莱卡·阿比祖巴, Askat Sulaimanov, Asan Amanov, Stanbek Toichubaev

      The main hero of the film is an electrician with a far greater effect on the people around him than his job defines. He is the last link in a huge energetic system and he becomes the binding bridge between the geopolitical problems of post-soviet space and the common people.
      The economic devastation of the country had an enormous impact on the industrial workers and yet despite...

  • 半人马 Кентавр


    导演:·   编剧:阿克坦·阿布德卡雷科夫, 厄内斯特·阿布迪亚帕罗夫

    主演:·, 塔莱卡·阿比祖巴

      Centaur lives a modest life with his family in rural Kyrgyzstan until he abruptly becomes the center of attention when he is caught stealing a racehorse at night. A story inspired by the myth when horses became the wings of men.

  • 蜗牛,你的家在哪里? Где твой дом, улитка?


    导演:·   编剧:Larisa Yevgenyeva

    主演:Lola Soboleva, Tursun Omurkanov, Akylbek Abdykalykov

      74 min, 1992, Kyrgyzstan Director: Aktan Abdykalykov Script: Larisa Evgenieva Director of photography: Khasan Kydyraliev Production designer: Talgat Asyrankulov Composer: Alexander Yurtayev Jury Prize "For the best film about youth", "For the best music" at the film festival Silver Crescent "(Ashgabat, Turkmenistan)

  • 摇摆 Селькинчек


    导演:·   编剧:


      A preteen boy falls in love with an older girl and spends many happy hours in her company. However, when a young sailor shows up in their village, heartbreak follows.