
  • 寓言 The Fable


    导演:·   编剧:拉雷姆·雷迪

    主演:马诺杰·巴杰帕伊, 朴雅卡·鲍斯, 蒂洛塔玛·索姆, 迪帕克·迪布里亚尔, Hiral Sidhu, Awan Pookot, Viking, Ravi Bisht

      Spring 1989. High up in the Indian Himalayas, where even the birds fly low to avoid getting lost in the clouds, the soft-spoken Dev owns a sprawling estate of several orchards and lives in a colonial-style house with his family. He spends a lot of his time building human-sized wings which he puts on to take a quick morning flight over his land. One day, while walking through th...

  • 葬礼 ತಿಥಿ


    导演:·   编剧:拉雷姆·雷迪, 厄尔戈达

    主演:Thammegowda S., Channegowda, Abhishek H.N., Pooja S.M.

      在南印度的一个偏远村庄,101岁的Century Gowda去世了,他的三代子孙们有着不同的反应。儿子Gadappa是一位老头子,总是抽着便宜的烟,喝着白兰地,每天无所事事地穿梭在田野间;同时孙子Thamanna是个见钱眼开的小贩,筹划着非法卖掉Century Gowda的五英亩地;曾孙Abhi是个阳光自信的青年,不屈不挠地追求着一个牧羊女孩。三条故事线索交织着,聚合在Century Gowda死后第十一天的葬礼上。