
  • 马尼拉的日与夜 Manila


    导演:., ·   编剧:Ramon Sarmiento, Adolfo Alix Jr.

    主演:Piolo Pascual

      改編自《MANILA BY NIGHT》和《JAGUAR》兩部小說,監製 Piolo Pascual一人分演兩位男主角︰沉淪毒海 William重出江湖,招兵買馬,為下一宗毒品大買賣鋪路;Philip為政客當保鑣,以為老闆待他至親,經槍殺事件後才恍然大悟,危機一觸即發。菲國電影界異軍突起,Alix Jr與Raya L. Martin這兩大新晉導演聯手打造馬尼拉的「日」與「夜」,黑白光影之間透視這個城市的光怪陸離,兩個單元標誌著菲國電影新力量。
      Inspired by Ishmael Bernal's MANILA BY NIGHT, "Day" tackles a day in the life of meth addict William (actor and producer Piolo Pascual), who pursues his nex...

  • 国民的诞生 Maicling pelicula nañg ysañg Indio Nacional

    类型:剧情片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:·   编剧:


      This experimental Filipino movie is far from a total success, but at least its in-your-face strangeness will make it somewhat interesting for those interested in seeing films of a different sort. The start is akin to a test of endurance for cinephiles, as the camera stands still showing nothing but a couple sleeping in the floor of a hut for the first 15 minutes (I'm not making...

  • 大独立 Independencia


    导演:·   编剧:拉亚·马丁, Ramon Sarmiento


      Mimicking early silent films, Independencia creates a lush metaphor that plays with cinematic illusions and the cultural and mythical history of the Philippines.

  • 正在上演 Now Showing


    导演:·   编剧:


  • 全州三人三色2012 Jeonju Digital Project 2012

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:·, 维木希·加亚桑达拉, 应亮   编剧:


      The Jeonju International Film Festival initiated the Jeonju Digital Project as it predicted that digital films will blossom and be “a cursor for future films that gives us vision”. We have, until now, borne witness to directors from around the world that utilize the rapidly progressing digital technology in their own way to redouble their creativity. However, this was not based...

  • 世界尽头之岛 The Island at the End of the World

    类型:剧情片电影, 纪录片电影

    导演:·   编剧:


  • 政治黑幕 Smaller and Smaller Circles

    类型:剧情片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:·   编剧:Raymond Lee, Ria Limjap

    主演:诺尼·布埃诺卡米诺, Carla Humphries, 锡德·卢塞罗, 本博尔·罗科, 克里斯托弗·德莱昂


  • 任天堂之死 Death of Nintendo

    类型:喜剧片电影, 儿童片电影

    导演:·   编剧:Valerie Castillo Martinez

    主演:Noel Comia Jr., Kim Oquendo, John Vincent Servilla, Jiggerfelip Sementilla, Elijah Alejo, Cayden Williams, 阿戈特·伊西德罗, Nikki Valdez, Moi Marcampo, Mailes Kanapi


  • 殖民绘影 Ars colonia


    导演:·   编剧:
