
  • Anno Domini


    导演:Jeff Stark   编剧:

    主演:Ewan McGregor, Laine Megaw, Tim Loane

      Belfast, Christmas 1999. A poor, badly dressed woman is half walking, half stumbling down the road. She is tearful and her behaviour is so disturbed that passers-by look furtively at her before hurrying on. Her walk is purposeful though. She is hurrying to go somewhere specific. She stumbles towards a church that is lit up. As she approaches it we see a sign outside announcing ...

  • 德意志零年 Germania anno zero

    类型:剧情片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:罗伯托·罗西里尼   编剧:罗伯托·罗西里尼, 卡洛·利扎尼, 马克斯·科尔佩, 赛尔乔·阿米德伊, 巴西利奥·弗兰基纳

    主演:Christl Merker, Gaby Raak, Inge Rocklitz, Hans Sangen, Babsi Schultz-Reckewell, 埃德蒙·默施克, 恩斯特·皮茨肖, 英格特劳德·欣策, 弗朗茨-奥托·克吕格尔, Erich Gühne, Heidi Blänkner, Jo Herbst, Barbara Hintz, Adolf Hitler, Karl Krüger, Alexandra Manys


  • 春天的回归 Un Anno a primavera

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Angelo Longoni   编剧:Lorenzo Gioielli, Angelo Longoni, Nicola Guaglianone, Massimo Sgorbani

    主演:妮可莱塔·罗曼诺芙, Eleonora Ivone, 乔治·帕索蒂

      少女安杰拉(妮可莱塔·罗曼诺芙 Nicoletta Romanoff 饰)患有精神疾病,每次病发都令她非常的痛苦,父亲带安杰拉去看心理医生,,心理医生告诉安杰拉的父亲她最好入院治疗。不久之后,安杰拉的父亲被心脏病夺取了生命,安杰拉眼看着就无人照料,这时,在十年前离家出走的姐姐玛利亚(Eleonora Ivone 饰)回到了安杰拉的身边。
      玛利亚将安杰拉送进了精神病院,在医院里,负责照顾她的是一位名叫尼古拉(乔治欧·帕索蒂 Giorgio Pasotti 饰)的义工。尼古拉非常的温柔和体贴,在安吉拉发作的时候耐心的抚平她的狂躁,随着时间的渐渐推移,安杰拉深深的爱上了尼古拉。

  • 男人香 Poco più di un anno fa

    类型:剧情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Marco Filiberti   编剧:

    主演:Marco Filiberti, Urbano Barberini, Alessandra Acciai

      Riki Kandinsky(Marco Filiberti)是意大利一名男同性恋A片演员,凭借优雅的气质、健美的身材及无穷的活力,他征服了许许多多的男同志,事业可谓如日中天,但他自认所做的只是一份普通职业,不因之自傲更不因之自卑,一旦无戏可拍,就会用书本充实自己。父亲的丧礼令Riki回到阔别11年的法国与哥哥Federico Soldani(Urbano Barberini)重逢,但两兄弟并无话讲,礼毕Riki回到意大利。

  • 意大利:共和国元年 Anno uno


    导演:罗伯托·罗西里尼   编剧:Marcella Mariani, 罗伯托·罗西里尼, Luciano Scaffa

    主演:Ettore Carloni, Consalvo Dell'Arti, 劳拉·德·马奇, Francesco Di Federico, 路易吉·万努基, Dominique Darel, 丽塔·卡尔德罗尼, Valeria Sabel, Carlos de Carvalho, Gianni Rizzo, 卡洛·巴尼奥, 奥梅罗·安东努蒂, Ennio Balbo, 迪诺·比安奇, 保罗·博纳切利

      The film depicts the rise to power of Alcide de Gasperi and the Christian Democratic Party in post war Italy and ends with de Gasperi's retirement in 1954.
      It is both a personal film (Rossellini makes no secret of his admiration for de Gasperi) whilst at the same time it does not lose sight of the historical context (de Gasperi's failure is acknownledged), which is presented lu...

  • 地狱流氓 Anno 2020 - I gladiatori del futuro

    类型:动作片电影, 科幻片电影

    导演:乔治·伊斯特曼, 乔·达马托   编剧:亚力山大·卡佛, 乔治·伊斯特曼

    主演:Al Cliver, Harrison Muller Jr, Daniel Stephen, Peter Hooten

      Blood and gore abound as good takes on evil in this futuristic sci-fi actioner that is basically a knock-off of the Mad Max series with a low-budget Italian twist. The year is 2020 and the setting is post-nuclear holocaust Texas. It's a dusty, nasty world now as can be seen in the opening scenes when a band of drunken outlaws viciously rape and murder innocent nuns at a mission...

  • 一年长的道路 La strada lunga un anno


    导演:朱塞佩·德·桑蒂斯   编剧:朱塞佩·德·桑蒂斯, Maurizio Ferrara, 托尼诺·格拉, 埃里奥·贝多利, 詹尼·普奇尼, Mario Socrate

    主演:Silvana Pampanini, Eleonora Rossi Drago, Massimo Girotti

      The plot is set in an underdeveloped and remote area of a fictitious country, where the locals try to build an asphalt road in spite of careless attitude of the Government. The story follows the adventures in their self-reliant mission that lasts a whole year.