
  • 伊丽莎白一世传 Elizabeth R

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:Roderick Graham   编剧:约翰·黑尔

    主演:Glenda Jackson, Ronald Hines, Stephen Murray

      When Elizabeth Tudor comes to the throne, her (male) advisors know she has to marry. Doesn't she? Thus starts a decades-long political/ matrimonial game, during an age of high passions and high achievement.

  • 美国达摩 American Dharma

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:埃罗尔·莫里斯   编剧:

    主演:斯蒂芬·班农, 比尔·克林顿, 希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿, 埃罗尔·莫里斯, 唐纳德·特朗普

      A portrait of controversial Breitbart honcho and Donald J. Trump advisor, Stephen K. Bannon.

  • 子弹与选票 Bullets or Ballots

    类型:惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:威廉·凯利   编剧:塞腾·艾·米勒, 马丁·穆尼

    主演:爱德华·罗宾逊, 琼·布朗德尔, 巴顿·麦克莱恩

      After he's thrown off the force for hitting his superior, ex-cop Edward G. Robinson is hired as an "advisor" by city crime boss Barton MacLane, but gunman Humphrey Bogart doesn't trust him.