
  • 课外活动 Extracurricular Activities

    类型:喜剧片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:杰伊·洛威   编剧:Bob Sáenz

    主演:加里·哈德逊, Nicholas Cutro, Arianna Ortiz, 克里斯·沃伦, 吉尔勒法, 迪利普·劳, 萨凡纳莱尔斯, 鲍比·李, 莎拉·海伊, 米丽亚姆·福林, 阿尔登·马林, 史蒂夫·海特纳, 薇姬·刘易斯, 朵瑞·巴顿, 查明·李, 帕特里克·法比安, 安吉拉·金赛, 科林·福特, 达琳·沃格尔, 蒂莫西·西蒙斯, 艾丽·巴姆博, 葛晓洁, 保罗·拉克诺, 丹妮尔·麦克唐纳, 坦纳·斯泰恩, 约翰·波西, 科琳·福伊

      A mature, intelligent high school student has a side job arranging "accidental" deaths (no 2 alike) of fellow students' parents. A cop detective notices this student being connected to all the kids of dead parents. Who wins the face-off?

  • 犯罪活动 Criminal Activities

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:杰基·厄尔·哈利   编剧:罗伯特·劳尔

    主演:丹·史蒂文斯, 迈克尔·皮特, 约翰·特拉沃尔塔, 杰基·厄尔·哈利, 克里斯托弗·阿波特, 罗伯·布朗, 艾迪·盖瑟吉, 特拉维斯·阿隆·韦德, 尼克·罗兰, 海蒂·莱万多夫斯基


  • Sounds for a Wounded Landscape - Activities on the Ground


    导演:Oliver Gather, Frauke Berg   编剧:


      Two sound artists play and listen into the large hole of the Garzweiler open-cast mine as a self-experiment. The camera observes the conflict at the hole, looks and listens into it. All attempts to alleviate or stop the wounding of the landscape seem fragile, helpless and perhaps even futile.

  • 黑泽明的电影人生 わが映画人生 黒澤明監督編


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:黑泽明, 大岛渚

      In a long dialogue, Nagisa Oshima interviews Akira Kurosawa, leading him to share his thoughts about filmmaking, his life and works, and numerous anecdotes relating to his films and his various film activities.

  • 危机营救 Narco Sub

    类型:动作片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:安东尼·福奎阿   编剧:大卫·古根海姆


      Various U.S. agencies take on the dangerous task of recovering nuclear activities.

  • Código Emperador


    导演:Jorge Coria   编剧:豪尔赫·格力加耶切瓦利亚, 艾利克斯·德·拉·伊格莱希亚

    主演:阿隆·陂佩, 路易斯·托萨尔, 乔治娜·阿莫罗斯, 亚历山德拉·玛桑凯, 玛丽亚·博托, Denis Gómez, 米古尔·雷兰, John Barros, Laura Domínguez, Fran Lareu

      Follows Juan, an agent working for the intelligence services, who also reports to a parallel unit involved in illegal activities.