死去的父亲 The Dead Father

死去的父亲 The Dead Father

上映日期: 2002-09-18
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死去的父亲 The Dead Father-电影剧情介绍

  《死去的父亲 The Dead Father》于2002-09-18上映。是由盖伊·马丁执导, 由盖伊·马丁担任主编, 演员D.P. Snidal, Margaret Anne MacLeod, John Harvie等主演的《死去的父亲 The Dead Father》是一部恐怖, 短片类型电影。

  The patriarch of a troubled clan dies, but the resentment and yearning of the eldest son conspire to bring the errant father back for periodic visits in an only partially living state. These brief stop-overs are profoundly disturbing in thier incompletemess, and the boy finds himself driven inexorably to a final, frenzied act of self-loathing. Written by Anonymous

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