有翼的狮子 The Lion Has Wings

有翼的狮子 The Lion Has Wings

上映日期: 1939-11-03
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有翼的狮子 The Lion Has Wings-电影剧情介绍

  《有翼的狮子 The Lion Has Wings》于1939-11-03上映。是由Adrian Brunel, 布赖恩·德斯蒙德·赫斯特, 迈克尔·鲍威尔等执导, 由阿德里安·布努奈尔, E.V.H. Emmett担任主编, 演员梅尔·奥勃朗, 拉尔夫·理查德森, 琼·杜普雷主演的《有翼的狮子 The Lion Has Wings》是一部剧情, 战争类型电影。

  Alexander Korda's bit for the British war effort shows the world both at peace and on the verge of Nazi domination. Spliced together to form a documentary-style movie of both newsreel and acting. This first of its kind in propaganda films of World War II, shows the might of the English Empire and its eagerness to stand up to the oppressors of morality and free will. Crude, but ...

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