动物园凶杀案 Murders in the Zoo

动物园凶杀案 Murders in the Zoo

上映日期: 1933
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动物园凶杀案 Murders in the Zoo-电影剧情介绍

  《动物园凶杀案 Murders in the Zoo》于1933上映。是由A. Edward Sutherland执导, 由菲利普·威利, 塞腾·艾·米勒担任主编, 演员Charles Ruggles, Lionel Atwill, Gail Patrick主演的《动物园凶杀案 Murders in the Zoo》是一部悬疑, 恐怖, 犯罪类型电影。

  Eric Gorman returns with his wife Evelyn from a trip to the Orient collecting zoo animals, having killed a member of his expedition who happened one day to kiss Mrs. Gorman. On board ship Evelyn meets Roger Hewitt, who falls in love with her. After delivering his animals to the zoo, Gorman plots a way to dispose of Hewitt using one of his latest specimens, then continues using ...

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