
  • 律师 Matlock

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Christopher Hibler   编剧:迪恩·哈格罗夫

    主演:安迪·格里菲斯, 南希·斯坦福德, 朱丽叶·索玛斯, 小克拉伦斯·吉尔亚德

      Ben Matlock is a Georgia bred, Harvard educated defense attorney. His fee is $100,000 but he's worth every cent of it as he defends his clients not only in Atlanta but all over the country. He is cantankerous and gruff and often uses colorful language, but beneath it all he has a heart of gold. He is assisted in his work by his daughters Charlene and Leanne (who are also attorn...

  • 你为谁


    导演:王志強   编剧:王小鹰

    主演:达式常, 吕中


  • 桃色 Mea Culpa

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:泰勒·派瑞   编剧:泰勒·派瑞

    主演:Art Newkirk, Angela Robinson, María Gabriela González, Shanita Wilburn, Avery Bigelow, 雷·福利, Cory Hardin, Leno L. Bradby Jr., Ava Hill, 凯莉·罗兰, 崔凡特·罗兹, 肖恩·萨加尔, RonReaco Lee, 凯莉·奥马利, 香农·桑顿, 尼克·萨加, KateLynn E. Newberry, Andzelika Bobrova, 康纳·韦尔, Callie Johnson


  • 律师 The Defenders


    导演:戴维斯·古根海姆   编剧:Kevin Kennedy, 尼尔斯·穆勒

    主演:杰瑞·奥康奈尔, 詹姆斯·贝鲁什, 吉莲·韦格曼, 朱尼·斯莫利特, Tanya Fischer, 泰迪·西尔斯

      故事发生在灯红酒绿热闹非凡的拉斯维加斯,尼克(詹姆斯·贝鲁什 James Belushi 饰)和皮特(杰瑞·奥康奈尔 Jerry O'Connell 饰)是活跃于当地的两名经验丰富的律师,两联手创办了联合律师事务所

  • 词 Слово для защиты


    导演:瓦吉姆·阿布德拉什托夫   编剧:

    主演:Galina Yatskina, Marina Neyolova

      Героиня фильма - адвокат. Работая над делом о покушении на убийство из ревности, она жалеет свою подзащитную и пытается ей помочь. Но если женщине неведомы сильные чувства, она не поймет ту, что на все готова ради любви.
      Производство: Мосфильм, СССР, 1976

  • 无法 無法辯護


    导演:曹仕翰   编剧:曹仕翰, 柯佳蕙, 王才華

    主演:柯奂如, 潘亲御, 蓝苇华, 古斌, 王满娇, 朱宥丞, 潘之敏, 林晖闵, 王博豐, 王道


  • 大状瑟多夫 Защитник Седов


    导演:Yevgeni Tsymbal   编剧:

    主演:Vladimir Ilin, Albina Matveveva, Tamara Chernova

      Lovely Glasnot era piece, broadcast in the UK in the Soviet Spring Season from way back. There may be a better rip out there, perhaps the presence of this one will wake people up to what a good film it is and we’ll see the better version.
      Just when you thought glasnost had allowed Soviet film-makers to say all there was to say about the horrors of the Stalin years, along comes ...

  • 火线追凶之无罪

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影

    导演:邓衍成, 徐卫   编剧:吴峥

    主演:钟汉良, 齐芳, 释小龙, 涂黎曼, 刘永, 公方敏, 尹天照

      晨曦初现的上海滩,放浪形骸的工部局英国要员威尔逊在一间酒吧被枪杀。刚好晨跑路过此地的法租界巡捕房探长钟朗(钟汉良 饰)与凶手穿着打扮一模一样,因此被目击证指认为凶手。

  • 为食物 In Defense of Food


    导演:Michael Schwarz   编剧:Edward Gray, Michael Schwarz


      In Defense of Food tackles a question more and more people around the world have been asking: What should I eat to be healthy? Based on award-winning journalist Michael Pollan's best-selling book, the program explores how the modern diet has been making us sick and what we can do to change it.

  • The Prosecutor, the Defender, the Father & his Son


    导演:Iglika Triffonova   编剧:Iglika Triffonova

    主演:罗曼娜·波琳热, 萨穆埃尔·弗洛勒, 伊兹丁·巴乔维奇

      Two ambitious lawyers face each other in the trial of Milorad Krstic, a Bosnian commander on trial for war crimes.