
  • 浪漫给你 浪漫輸給你

    类型:爱情片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:郝心翔   编剧:陈洁莹

    主演:宋芸桦, 张立昂, 连晨翔, 廖奕琁, 许孟哲, 汤志伟, 林敬伦, 蔡瑞雪, 陈歆姸, 李迪恩


  • 爱拼才会 愛拼才會贏


    导演:朱延平   编剧:朱延平

    主演:廖峻, 叶全真, 陈松勇, 叶启田, 卓胜利, 曾志伟


  • 爽食行天下 爽食天下


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:华少, 左岩, 温雅


  • 子弹的孩子 Bulletpro of Children


    导演:因迪卡·费迪南多   编剧:


  • 给亚历克西·李 Losing to Alexis Lee

    类型:剧情片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Vanessa Kwan   编剧:Vanessa Kwan

    主演:Vanessa Kwan, Stephnie Snider

      Alexis Lee is the star of the track team. She's fast, she's a heartbreak, and she's so, so pretty...
      Sunny must beat her at all costs.

  • 家先生 第一季 Mister Winner Season 1


    导演:Andrew Chaplin   编剧:Matt Morgan

    主演:Omar Abidi, Martine Brown, 萨凡纳·斯泰恩, Dave Hill, 科林·普罗克特, 西蒙·格林诺, 瓦·阿里, 达伦·斯特兰奇, 芙蕾雅·帕克, Spencer Jones, Lucy Pearman, 沙恩·威廉森, 利昂·阿诺, 奥利弗·莫尔特曼, 哈里特·索普, Aidan Knight, Kim Barry, Janie Booth, Aaron Thomas Ward, 莉莉·奈特, 小恩佐·斯奎利诺

      Leslie Winner是一个老好人,但他总是意外地自找麻烦。好在尽管如此,他还是遇到了一个爱他并且愿意忍受他的未婚妻Jemma。两人正在筹备婚礼,但为了支付度蜜月的费用,Leslie需要找个工作——于是,这幸福的笨蛋要经历重重考验:他用油漆枪装饰房子,结果搞得一塌糊涂;去参加一场紧张的面试,却穿着拖鞋;找了一份餐厅的工作,是在自动钢琴前假装演奏。Leslie究竟能不能保持不惹麻烦、成功携手Jemma 步入婚姻殿堂呢?

  • 创智家 第一季 Shark Tank Season 1


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Robert Herjavec, 戴蒙德·约翰, 凯文·奥利里, Barbara Corcoran, Phil Crowley, 马克·库班, Kevin Harrington

      From Mark Burnett, executive producer of Survivor and The Apprentice, and Sony Pictures Television, comes Shark Tank, an exciting, new reality show that gives budding entrepreneurs the chance to make their dreams come true and become successful -- and possibly wealthy -- business people. But the entrepreneurs must first try to convince five tough, multi-millionaire tycoons to p...

  • 棕榈树与电线 Palm Trees and Power Lines


    导演:Jamie Dack   编剧:Jamie Dack, Audrey Findlay

    主演:Timothy Taratchila, Rhied De Castro, Conn Bodkin, Angel Grey Cooper, 格瑞辰·摩尔, 乔纳森·塔克, 阿玛尼·杰克森, 肯尼·约翰斯顿, 约翰·明奇, Auden Thornton, Lily McInerny, Yvette Tucker, Michael Petrone, Yolanda Corrales, Quinn Frankel

      A disconnected teenage girl named Lea, who enters a relationship with a man twice her age. Lea sees him as the solution to all her problems, but his intentions are not what they seem.

  • 向一生的挑战 The Game of Their Lives

    类型:剧情片电影, 历史片电影, 运动片电影

    导演:大卫·安斯鲍夫   编剧:Angelo Pizzo

    主演:杰拉德·巴特勒, 韦斯·本特利, 约翰·瑞斯-戴维斯, 盖文·罗斯戴尔, 特里·金尼


  • 棕榈树和电线 Palm Trees and Power Lines

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:杰米·戴克   编剧:杰米·戴克

    主演:Philip Alexander, Alyssa Latson, Jennie Olson, Mark Solz

      Sixteen year old Charlotte ambles through a summer day when she's followed home by Tommy, an older guy. Tommy helps her escape her loneliness, but after betraying her trust, Charlotte must decide what matters to her most.