
  • 野性的尼亚 România neîmblânzită


    导演:Tom Barton-Humphreys   编剧:Tom Barton-Humphreys, Alex Paun

    主演:Victor Rebengiuc, Irina Rimes, Mark Strong

      This film is a unique production that reveals the beauty of Romania as it is, raw, magical but fragile at the same time. In the heart of Europe, there is a fabulous wildlife, rich in biodiversity, home to numerous wild animals. The endless mountain peaks and river streams, ancient forests, all provide home to various creatures. Their lives are dictated by the seasons of these l...

  • 从长安到 第二季


    导演:   编剧:



  • 的对话 Il Dialogo di Roma


    导演:玛格丽特·杜拉斯   编剧:玛格丽特·杜拉斯

    主演:Paolo Graziosi, Anna Nogara

      "The subject of this film is the conversation between a man and a woman. A couple, maybe lovers, maybe married, it doesn't matter. (...) During this conversation, we do not see but the city of Rome. I wanted to transmit that what Rome provokes in me, the feeling of an intrinsic matter, indissoluble, in difference with Paris, made of small parks and open spaces, crossed by the s...

  • 之战1 Kampf um Rom I

    类型:剧情片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:伯特·西奥德梅克   编剧:拉迪斯拉斯·弗多

    主演:劳伦斯·哈维, 奥逊·威尔斯, 西娃·科丝西娜

  • 三贱客 Plebs: Soldiers of Rome


    导演:萨姆·莱费尔   编剧:汤姆·巴斯登, 萨姆·莱费尔

    主演:乔纳森·珀恩廷, 科勒·康拉迪, Manal El-Feitury, 艾利克斯·卡特, 保·G·雷蒙德, 瓦西尔·托舍夫, 加里·比德尔, 乔·托斯, 埃莉·哈丁顿, 帕特里克·巴拉迪, 瑞恩·山普森

      Three Plebs join the army in peace-time, hoping to win respect, romance and military discounts at selected restaurants. But when war's declared they're sent to fight on the front line of a Roman legion for a cause they don't believe in. Now their main interest is the struggle for survival.

  • 斯通夫春天 The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:伯特·艾伦·阿克曼   编剧:马丁·谢尔曼, 田纳西·威廉斯

    主演:Dona Granata, 阿尔多·锡格纳蒂, 海伦·米伦, 奥利维埃·丁内斯, 安妮·班克夫特, 德里戈·桑托, 布莱恩·丹内利, 杰·阿拉姆, 维克多·埃菲尔, 苏珊娜·伯蒂什, Jane


  • 之光 Two Weeks in Another Town


    导演:文森特·明奈利   编剧:查理斯·施内, Irwin Shaw

    主演:柯克·道格拉斯, 赛德·查里斯, 爱德华·宾逊, 达莉娅·拉维

      安德鲁斯(柯克·道格拉斯 Kirk Douglas 饰)曾经是名噪一时的电影明星,但高涨的气在带来了财富和利益的同时,也给安德鲁斯的精神带来了巨大的压力,久而久之,他被诊断患上了抑郁症,必须息影休养

  • 的命运 The Destiny of Rome

    类型:历史片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:法布里斯·乌利耶   编剧:Freddy Loussier

    主演:帕维·德朗柯, 安迪·吉雷, Lilly Eido


  • 尔姆克格庄园 Malmkrog


    导演:克利斯提·普优   编剧:Vladimir Solovyov, 克利斯提·普优

    主演:Vitalie Bichir, 朱迪思·斯泰特, Zoe Puiu, Lucian Diaconu, 拉茨洛·特雷, Agathe Bosch, Ugo Broussot, Frédéric Schulz-Richard


  • :幕后纪实 Camino a Roma


    导演:Andres Clariond, Gabriel Nuncio   编剧:

