
  • 树下 Under Milk Wood

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:安德鲁•辛克莱   编剧:安德鲁•辛克莱, 狄兰·托马斯

    主演:理查德·伯顿, 伊丽莎白·泰勒, 彼得·奥图尔

  • 树下 Under Milk Wood


    导演:凯文·艾伦   编剧:凯文·艾伦, 狄兰·托马斯, Michael Breen, Murray Lachlan Young

    主演:瑞斯·伊凡斯, 萨拉·舒格曼, 夏洛特·丘奇, 朱利安·刘易斯·琼斯, 迪·波特切尔, Carys Eleri, Aneirin Hughes

      Residents of a fictional Welsh community share stories and poems of their life in their seaside town.

  • 的颜色 Ikke naken

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Torun Lian   编剧:Torun Lian

    主演:Tobias Bøksle, Lars Brunborg, Celine Engebrigtsen

      This film is a romantic comedy about first love. About how difficult it is to fall in love and not to do so. Twelve year old Selma knows all about that. She has decided to give up on boys and concentrate on science and Nobel Prices instead. But what does she do when the only one to share her interests is a boy?

  • 之歌 قصیده گاو سفید


    导演:玛利亚姆·莫哈达, 贝塔什·萨奈哈   编剧:玛利亚姆·莫哈达, 贝塔什·萨奈哈

    主演:玛利亚姆·莫哈达, Alireza Sani Far, Pouria Rahimi, Avin Poor Raoufi, Mohammad Heidari

      当米娜得知她的丈夫Babak是被错判而被处决的时候,她的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。当局为这个错误道歉,并提供了经济赔偿的前景。米娜为了自己和聋哑女儿的利益,开始默默与这个充斥着犬儒主义的制度进行斗争。就在她的钱快花完的时候,一个叫Reza的陌生人敲开了她的门,声称是来还欠Babak的债的。米娜一开始很警惕,但最终还是让Reza进入她的生活,她却不知道,一个秘密把他们联系在一起。Behtash Sanaeeha和Maryam Moghaddam巧妙地将内疚与赎罪这一伊朗电影的经典题材呈现在电影中,成为一个小而精的姿态和空间。导演Maryam Moghaddam出色地扮演了夹在孤独和争取自决之间的米娜的角色。

  • 幸好有 Fortunately, the Milk


    导演:埃德加·赖特   编剧:尼尔·盖曼, Bret McKenzie


      尼尔·盖曼(Neil Gaiman)的童书《幸好有》(Fortunately, the Milk)即将被20世纪福克斯搬上大银幕,曾经执导过《热血警探》(Hot Fuzz)等奇奇怪怪、脑洞大开影片的英国导演埃德加

  • 也重要 But Milk is Important

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Eirik Grønmo Bjørnsen, Anna Mantzaris   编剧:Eirik Grønmo Bjørnsen, Anna Mantzaris



  • 酪和三个孩子 Kühe, Käse und 3 Kinder


    导演:Susanna Fanzun   编剧:


      The young Jon, Marchet and Braida spend the summer in the Swiss Alps. Their parents are forest engineers and the children often have to fend for themselves: with creativity and courage they deal with new challenges every day.

  • 月球上的 Krava na mjesecu

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影, 儿童片电影

    导演:杜尚·武科蒂奇   编剧:杜尚·武科蒂奇


      After being bullied by a nasty boy, a little girl decides to play a prank on him by building a rocket ship (actually a wooden rocket ship on a wagon) and allows him to get inside, riding him down to the deserted countryside where a cow was walking around. Believing that he is actually on the moon, he is frightened by his stark surroundings, and believes the cow to be a space mo...

  • 的五种表达方式

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:陆云帆   编剧:陆云帆, 宋凯, 石畅

    主演:张丹凤, 宋凯, 蒋云龙, 卢治杰, 陆云帆


  • 与战俘 La Vache et le prisonnier


    导演:亨利·韦纳伊   编剧:Henri Jeanson
