
  • IDOLity-GOT7的TMI研


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:林在范, 段宜恩, 王嘉尔, 朴珍荣, 崔荣宰, 斑斑, 金有谦

  • 渊 어비스

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:柳济元   编剧:文秀妍

    主演:朴宝英, 安孝燮, 李成宰, 李时言, 韩韶禧, 权秀贤, 尹有善, 李哲民, 李代延, 徐仁国, 郑素敏


  • 类型:

    导演:张石川   编剧:程小青

    主演:周璇, 韩非, 袁绍梅

    成婚之夜﹐二和隐约听到外头月容正唱着“夜沉” ﹐可是走到屋外﹐又不见其影踪。

  • DEEP:

    类型:科幻片电影, 短片电影

    导演:GZHhaha   编剧:



  • 井 Шынырау


    导演:Zhanabek Zhetiruov   编剧:Zhanabek Zhetiruov

    主演:Asylkhan Tolepov, Aizhan, Aldabek Shalbayev

      based on the story «The Well” by Abish Kekilbayev,It tells of the problems that matter to many people: rivalry, arrogance, love, friendship and treachery

  • 情密码 情密碼


    导演:胡意涓, 张博昱   编剧:徐誉庭, 刘强, 李旭敏, 彭盛青

    主演:周渝民, 朴恩惠, 许志安, 赖雅妍, 王传一, 靳东

      赵(朴恩惠 Eun-hye Park 饰)因为小时候的车祸失去了声音,妈妈也因为疲劳过度而遭遇车祸身亡,痛苦异常的此时偶然和因为骨折而在医院养伤的戚伟易(周渝民 饰)结成了好朋友。

  • 彩云处 彩雲


    导演:黎大炜   编剧:

    主演:黃植森, 余安安, 刘纬民, 岳华, 张瑛, 曾江, 梁天, 夏春秋, 陈曼娜, 李燕燕, 凌汉, 陈宝仪


  • E网情 一网情


    导演:李敬华   编剧:陈心豪

    主演:陆毅, 陈浩民, 佟大为, 蒋虹, 郑嘉颖, 叶璇


  • 渊 Djúpið


    导演:巴塔萨·科马库   编剧:巴塔萨·科马库, Jón Atli Jónason

    主演:奥拉维尔·达里·奥拉夫松, 约翰·G·约翰森, Þorbjörg Helga Þorgilsdóttir, 西奥多·尤利乌松, María Sigurðardóttir, 比约恩·索尔斯, 斯罗斯特·莱奥·贡纳松

      Based on an astonishing true incident that took place on the frigid seas off Iceland in 1984, The Deep fashions a modern-day everyman myth about the sole survivor of a shipwreck, whose superhuman will to survive made him both an inexplicable scientific phenomenon and a genuine national hero.

  • 渊 Afgrunden

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:乌尔班·迦得   编剧:乌尔班·迦得

    主演:Asta Nielsen, Robert Dinesen, Poul Reumert

      Magda meets her fiancé and he invites her to visit him and his parents. While visiting them, a circus comes to town and Magda asks her fiancé to take her to the show. Afterwards one of the artists shows interest in Magda and her fiancé becomes jealous and brings her home. The artist follows and enters her room through the window. She runs off with the artist leaving a goodbye n...