
  • 布尔红 Istanbul Kirmizisi


    导演:弗森·欧兹派特   编剧:

    主演:哈里特·尔根赤, 图芭·布尤库

      Orhan who lived in London for years and did not come back to Turkey agrees to help Deniz -a famous director- edit his first book. Deniz has been living in a mansion with his family which started to lose its old brightness and power. Orhan finds himself in the middle of Deniz's complicated relationships, mysterious friends and stange family members. This is the first movie of Fe...

  • 弗兰肯 The Frankenstein Theory

    类型:科幻片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Andrew Weiner   编剧:Vlady Pildysh, Andrew Weiner

    主演:克里·勒姆彻, 乔·埃根德尔, 蒂莫西·V·墨菲, Eric Zuckerman

    他的理论正是Mary Shelley的可怖故事”弗兰肯“将真实历史伪装成了奇幻故事。在荒野草莽冰冻之地,venkenheim领其小队搜寻这个血湿湿的传奇怪兽-曾化为神秘。

  • 里克·的威尼-伊布尔美食之旅 Rick Stein: From Venice to Istanbul


    导演:大卫·普里查德   编剧:


      Rick Stein embarks on a new gastronomic road trip from Venice to Istanbul through the countries of the former Byzantine Empire - a melting pot of east and west.

  • 瑞奇·尼克 Ricky Stanicky


    导演:彼得·法雷里   编剧:Jeffrey Bushell, Jason Decker, 彼得·法雷里, Jim Freeman, Brian Jarvis, David Occhino, 史蒂夫·欧德科克

    主演:扎克·埃夫隆, 约翰·塞纳, 威廉姆·H·梅西, 安雅·萨维奇, 安德鲁·桑提诺, 杰梅因·福勒, 莱克·科特·戴维

      For years, three lifelong friends have used an invented character named Ricky Stanicky to get out of sticky situation. When their wives demand a meeting with Ricky, the friends hire an actor to portray him.

  • 文加 Svengali


    导演:John Hardwick   编剧:Jonny Owen, Dean Cavanagh

    主演:Martin Freeman, Michael Socha, Matt Berry


  • 西 Uliisses


    导演:Werner Nekes   编剧:Homer, 詹姆斯·乔伊斯, 维尔纳·内克斯

    主演:Armin Wölfl, Tabea Blumenschein, Russel Derson

  • 哈贝马福 Jjürgen Habermas In Stanford


    导演:   编剧:



  • 西 Ulysses


    导演:马里奥·卡梅里尼   编剧:弗兰科·布鲁萨蒂, 马里奥·卡梅里尼, 恩尼奥·德·孔奇尼, 休·格雷, 本·赫克特, 伊沃·佩里利, 欧文·肖, Homer

    主演:Andrea Bosic, Walter Brandi, Alberto Lupo, 恩佐·马焦, 雷纳托·马拉瓦热, Piero Pastore, Aldo Pini, 米莫·波, 贝尼托·特凡内


  • 文加 Svengali

    类型:剧情片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:阿齐·梅奥   编剧:George L. Du Maurier, J. Grubb Alexander

    主演:John Barrymore, Marian Marsh

      Sinister music maestro Svengali can control the actions of women through hypnotism and his telepathic powers. When a pupil he has seduced announces she has left her husband for him, he uses his powers to cause her suicide and promptly forgets her. He meets a beautiful model, Trilby, and becomes infatuated with her, but she, in turn, falls for a young artist called Billee who al...

  • 西 Ulysse

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:阿涅·瓦尔达   编剧:阿涅斯·瓦尔达

    主演:Charles de Gaulle, 阿涅·瓦尔达

    這是 Varda 於1954年拍的一張照片:山羊死了、小孩叫尤里西、男人則裸著身體。以這一張固定的影像為基礎,電影發揮了它的想像力並探索真實。