
  • 的纽带:人类科技史话 Connections

    类型:纪录片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:Mick Jackson   编剧:James Burke

    主演:James Burke

      James Burke主持制作的Connections系列科学历史系列片在1979年播出时,获得了当时历史上最高的纪录片收视率。此后在90年代和近年又制作了Connections 2和3,同样得到观众和评论界的好评。Connections系列采用侦探小说的手法,以人们日常生活司空见惯的科学、技术现象和产品为对象,追根溯源顺藤摸瓜,将人类科学技术的发展历史以极富趣味性的方式展现在观众面前,同时激发观众对当代科学技术背后的一切进行思索,在思想性、知识性和娱乐性方面都是科普领域不可多得的精品杰作。

  • 美食大冒险第三季:之旅

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动作片电影, 动画片电影, 儿童片电影, 奇幻片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:孙海鹏   编剧:林惊雷

    主演:包强, 四海, 花小蕾, 武藏, 巧巧, 呙奎, 斗斗, 悲剧海盗


  • 的诞生 第一季 First Civilizations Season 1


    导演:   编剧:


      Having lived as mobile foragers for 99 percent of our time on Earth, why did humans set out on the road to civilization? How did they create villages, towns, cities and states, and establish the blueprint for the modern world? This series identifies four cornerstones of civilization – war, religion, cities and trade – and explores each in the context of a different location. Cr...

  • 特急:回眼名演唱会 문명특급 : 컴눈명 스페셜

    类型:音乐片电影, 真人秀片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:朴敏荷, 赵笑珍, 李金祚, 崔效定, 金美贤, 柳始我, 金祉呼, 裵洧彬, 崔乂园, 李玟爀, 朴嘉熙, 彬, 金正雅, 磪有情, 李周妍, 全昭弥, Rebecca Kim, 李大辉, 吴惠麟,

  • 埃及的发现者 The Man who Discovered Egypt

    类型:纪录片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Chris Nauton

      Ancient Egypt was vandalised by tomb raiders and treasure hunters until one Victorian adventurer took them on. Most of us have never heard of Flinders Petrie, but this maverick genius underook a scientific survey of the pyramids, discovered the oldest portraits in the world, unearthed Egypt's prehistoric roots - and in the process invented modern field archaeology, giving meani...

  • 爱琴海古 Treasure Seekers: Glories of the Ancient Aegean


    导演:Ann Carroll   编剧:

    主演:Gavin MacFadyen

      Homer's tale of the great walled city of Troy was, by the 19th century, thought of as fiction. But one man, a German industrialist, followed the clues in Homer's work and uncovered the ruins of Troy and Mycenae, complete wutg fabulous treasures. A generation later, an Englishman makes a spectacular discovery of the ancient palace of Knossos on the island of Crete.

  • 的崛起 第二季 The Ascent of Civilization Season 2


    导演:Sahar Eslah, Birgit Tanner   编剧:



  • 的崛起 第一季 The Ascent of Civilization Season 1


    导演:Christina Trebbi   编剧:



  • 亚马逊密码:与世隔绝的 Amazon Code


    导演:Michael O'Neill, Randall Wood   编剧:


      在亚马逊河流域,生活着一个神奇的皮拉罕民族,他们与其他部落不同,他们只使用自己的母语,他们也拒绝外人干扰自己的生活。他们的语言系统里没有数字,并且很多词语只需要改变语调便会有完全不同的意思。语言学家丹尼尔对皮拉罕语进行了研究,他发现皮拉罕语缺少人类语言的基础特征——递归 性。丹尼尔的发现会改变人类对语言学的理解和研究进程吗?他的研究又是否正确呢?http://www.iqiyi.com/v_19rr8rmpuw.html @DOCO热纪录

  • 失落的马雅 National Geographic Specials: Lost Kingdoms of the Maya


    导演:亚历山大·格拉斯霍夫   编剧:


      Long before Columbus, the Maya established one of the most highly developed civilizations of their time in the jungles of Mexico and Central America. Yet this advanced society of priests, astronomers, artisans, and farmers suddenly and mysteriously collapsed more than a thousand years ago.
      Accompany archaeologists to Copan, Dos Pilas, and other spectacular Classic Maya ruins as...