
  • 畜小姐想被幽灵幼治愈。 畜さんは幼幽霊に癒されたい。

    类型:动画片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:南原玖宇   编剧:三重野瞳, 有田イマリ

    主演:日高里菜, 金元寿子, 小原好美, 内田真礼, 石原夏织

      伏原(金元寿子 配音)是一名标标准准的畜,每天都过着在公司里加班到深更半夜的日子。一天,像往常一样独自留在公司加班的她,听到空无一人的办公室里回荡着可怕的声音,内容只有一句,那就是“离去吧”。

  • T家有成 Finn's Girl

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Dominique Cardona, Laurie Colbert   编剧:Laurie Colbert

    主演:Brooke Johnson, Yanna McIntosh, Maya Ritter


  • 乔省和他的儿们

    类型:剧情片电影, 家庭片电影

    导演:陈家林   编剧:水运宪

    主演:李幼斌, 陶红


  • 在面包树上的

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:陈铭章   编剧:徐誉庭, 张小娴

    主演:唐嫣, 黄宗泽, 隋棠, 宥胜, 刘冬, 叶青, 李金铭, 孙艺洲, 罗诠浩, 郑恺


  • 人 La mujer del ministro


    导演:Eloy de la Iglesia   编剧:Gonzalo Goicoechea


      A waiter (Amparo Munoz) with the personality of a house plant but not quite that intelligent, gets by on his good looks as he enjoys the favors of women. A duchess lands him a job as a gardener in the palatial spread of one of the ministers of Adolfo Suarez (Prime Minister in Spain at this time). The wife of the minister (impotent himself) seduces the mindless gardener, and app...

  • 格兰特船的儿


    导演:胡兆洪   编剧:



  • professional 行家本色 艺人事务所 渡边万由美


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:渡边万由美, 菅田将晖, 松坂桃李, 中村伦也, 新田真剑佑, 木村佳乃


  • 男权会的人们 Daughters of the Niger Delta


    导演:Ilse van Lamoen   编剧:

    主演:Inatimi Odio, Bogofanyo Inengibo

      'Daughters of the Niger Delta' is an intimate film portrait of three ordinary women in the Niger Delta who manage to make ends meet against all odds. As their personal stories unfold, we come to see that the widely ignored environmental pollution in their backyard is not the only human rights violation affecting their lives. The stories of these women, filmed with astounding cr...

  • 护法 第一季 Close to Home Season 1


    导演:Lewis Gould   编剧:Jim Leonard

    主演:詹妮佛·芬尼甘, 金伯莉·伊丽丝, 大卫·詹姆斯·艾略特

      It's always the spouse ... okay, maybe not always. In "Legacy," the wife of a prominent businessman is found murdered. When it's discovered that her husband had been cooking the company books and that her death would bring him some money, he becomes the prime suspect. But it appears that someone else behind the scenes could be pulling the strings. Jennifer Finnigan and David Ja...

  • 发的人 Lady with Long Hair

    类型:剧情片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Barbara Bakos   编剧:
