
  • 色恋浪漫谭 異色恋浪漫譚

    类型:动画片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:大谷肇   编剧:小石川海

    主演:诹访部顺一, 伊藤健太郎, 置鲇龙太郎


  • 贾斯廷:情调 Justine: Exotic Liaisons


    导演:Kevin Alber   编剧:

    主演:大卫·A·阿姆斯特朗, Erin Mackey, Jennifer Behr

      A young girl dreams of various erotic liasons, she is kidnapped and made to strip naked, detects dodgy goings on an express train and strips naked, goes to New Orleans and strips naked...

  • 新洲·思亲 From +65, With Love

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:谢广龙 Xie Quang Long   编剧:



  • 只有 Only in America


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Nicholas J. Giangiulio, Annie Meisels, Edward Norton, Amy Van Horne

      This is an educational video teaching American English at beginner level.
      Everyone here at www.viney.uk.com was cheering loudly for Edward Norton following his 1999 Academy Award nomination as Best Actor.
      Edward Norton features in Only in America in a variety of roles. As you can guess they were filmed only just before he shot to fame in "Primal Fear". Ed was magic on camera, a...

  • 蝎女 Sasori in U.S.A.

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:后藤大辅   编剧:篠原とおる(原作), 佐伯俊道

    主演:越智静香, 斎藤阳子

      Director Daisuke Gotoh clearly doesn't understand the erotic psychology behind a successful (or even interesting) women-in-prison film. I mean, the primary component of dykey-women-molesting-other-women-behind-bars seems to have completely escaped him in this one! Yoko Saito is certainly well-cast as the pretty Scorpion, unjustly accused, convicted, and thrown into a California...

  • 走遍中:食古镇


    导演:   编剧:


  • 阿拉伯人 AmericanEast


    导演:Hesham Issawi   编剧:



  • 汤姆 Tom in America

    类型:剧情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Flavio Alves   编剧:Flavio Alves

    主演:Burt Young, 莎莉·柯克兰德, Jacques Mitchell

      At a party for their 50th anniversary, Michael and Betty share that the secret to their happy marriage is that they have no secrets, but nothing could be further from the truth. After Michael finds a provocative doll amongst flea market-bound trash, their world is turned upside down. Through the heartbreaking and hopeful, Betty and Michael are forced to face difficult questions...

  • 女孩重庆2

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:陈佳欣   编剧:


      OurFilm Studio创始人/导演陈佳欣继两年前处女作《法女孩重庆》之后,再次携手原主角Mélanie(梅娜丽)拍摄的续集作品。

  • 迷宫的十字路口 異迷路のクロワーゼ


    导演:安田贤司, 后藤圭二, 筑紫大介, 小高义规, 室谷靖, 玉川达文   编剧:佐藤顺一, 池田真美子

    主演:东山奈央, 近藤隆, 田中秀幸, 悠木碧, 矢作纱友里, 佐藤利奈, 仪武祐子, 能登麻美子, 铃木清信, 中岛爱

      在法国浪漫华丽的街道上,出现了一个身着红色和服的黑发少女,她的身影与环境格格不入,却又散发着让人无法移开视线的魅力。这名和服少女叫做汤音(东山奈央 配音),从日本长崎远道而来的她希望能够在法国找到一份称心的工作。经人介绍,汤音认识了法国少年克劳德(近藤隆 配音),并进入了他和爷爷奥斯卡(田中秀幸 配音)一同经营的“国王的长廊”铁艺店工作。
      起初,汤音并不是太能适应在异国的生活,在认识了异常热衷于日本文化的大小姐爱丽丝(悠木碧 配音)后,对客人和朋友渐渐熟悉的汤音开始领悟到法国独特的风土人情。同时,在生活喝学习的过程中,汤音和克劳德结下了坚实的友谊,成为了彼此非常重要的存在。