
  • 积木小屋 つみきのいえ

    类型:剧情片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:加藤久仁生   编剧:加藤久仁生



  • 青春的三段 Trois souvenirs de ma jeunesse

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:阿诺·戴普勒尚   编剧:阿诺·戴普勒尚, 朱莉·皮耶尔, 尼古拉·萨阿达

    主演:安妮·波努瓦, 梅洛迪·里夏尔, 艾瑞克·拉夫, 安德烈·杜索里埃, 康坦·多尔迈尔, 露·罗-伊莱科内, 马修·阿马立克, 蒂娜拉·卓卡洛娃, 弗朗索瓦兹·勒布伦, 帕特里克·德阿萨姆曹, 奥利维尔·雷堡汀, 本杰明·思科索, 吉勒·科昂, 莉莉·塔耶布, 提奥·费尔南德斯


  • 福尔摩斯录 The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:彼德·哈蒙德, 莎拉·赫林斯   编剧:杰瑞米·保罗, 阿瑟·柯南·道尔

    主演:杰瑞米·布雷特, 爱德华·哈德威克, Rosalie Williams

      Season 1, Episode 1: The Three Gables《三角墙山庄》7 March 1994
      Season 1, Episode 2: The Dying Detective《临终的侦探》14 March 1994
      Season 1, Episode 3: The Golden Pince-Nez《金边夹鼻眼镜》21 March 1994
      Season 1, Episode 4: The Red Circle《红圈会》28 March 1994
      Season 1, Episode 5: The Mazarin Stone《王冠宝石案》4 April 1994
      Season 1, Episode 6: The Cardboard Box《硬纸盒子》11 April 1994

  • 罪人录 Osobisty pamietnik grzesznika przez niego samego spisany


    导演:沃伊切赫·哈斯   编剧:詹姆斯·霍格, 迈克尔·科曼

    主演:匹奥特·班扬, 厄维拉·罗曼祖克

      The 18th century tale of a youngster whose memories, recounted after death, are a long series of wrong moral choices ending up with his killing his evil alter-ego, that is committing suicide.

  • 关于我自己的 In memoria di me


    导演:萨维里奥·科斯坦佐   编剧:萨维里奥·科斯坦佐

    主演:克里斯托·日夫科夫, 菲利波·蒂米, Marco Baliani

      A young, aimless man who enters a novitiate.
      Based on Furio Monicelli’s novel The Perfect Jesuit.

  • 般飞向你 Я к вам лечу воспоминаньем

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:安德烈·赫尔扎诺夫斯基   编剧:


      On Pushkin's manuscripts and pictures. V. Markov and V. Nepomnjashchy took part in the creation of the film. It is a poetic film.

  • 谭恩美:意外的录 Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir


    导演:詹姆斯·雷德福   编剧:


      Amy Tan has established herself as one of America’s most respected literary voices. Born to Chinese immigrant parents, it would be decades before the author of “The Joy Luck Club” would fully understand the inherited trauma rooted in the legacies of women who survived the Chinese tradition of concubinage.

  • 莱蒂西亚山谷的 Memorias de Leticia Valle


    导演:Miguel Ángel Rivas   编剧:Maribel Alonso, Rosa Chacel, Antonio Porlan, Miguel Ángel Rivas

    主演:Ramiro Oliveros, 简妮·麦斯翠, 费尔南多·雷伊, 埃玛·苏亚雷斯, 赫克多·艾戴里欧, 凯塔·克拉韦尔, 赫尔佳·丽列, Juan Jesús Valverde, 埃斯佩朗莎·罗伊

      Based on the 1945 Memorias de Leticia Valle Memoirs of Leticia Valle is the fictionalized diary of an eleven-year-old girl who records an "inconceivable" seduction.

  • 突转风暴的录 Memoir of a Veering Storm

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Sofia Georgovassili   编剧:Sofia Georgovassili

    主演:Daphne Peel, Konstantinos Sideris, Stefania Sotiropoulou, 玛丽亚·卡利马尼, Nikos Hantzopoulos, Elena Mengreli, Vassilia Rozana

      Anna secretly sneaks out of school with her boyfriend to carry out her decision for an abortion. Bluntly factual and yet with tender sympathy, the camera accompanies Anna's path, approaches and contrasts with images of a nature in which some things seem simpler and some things unfathomable.

  • 死神OVA1:雨中的 BLEACH Memories in the Rain

    类型:动作片电影, 动画片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:阿部记之   编剧:

    主演:森田成一, 折笠富美子
