
  • 厨艺大师(版) 第季 Masterchef Season 8


    导演:布赖恩·史密斯   编剧:

    主演:戈登·拉姆齐, 阿隆·桑切斯, 克里斯蒂娜·托西

      国FOX频道推出规模最大,甚至于全最大,参赛者阵容最庞大的厨艺竞赛综艺节目,全厨师选秀活动。 参赛者几乎来自各行各业,相同的是他们都对烹饪充满热情与希望!

  • 无耻之徒(版) 第季 Shameless Season 8

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:伊恩·B·麦克唐纳, 安东尼·海明威, 雷吉娜·金, 埃米·罗森, 安娜·马斯特罗   编剧:约翰·威尔斯, 保罗·艾伯特

    主演:艾略特·弗莱彻, 露比·莫迪恩, 扎克·珀尔曼, 阿兰·罗森伯格, 杰西卡·斯佐尔, 帕芮·马费尔德, 丽维·陈, 威廉姆·H·梅西, 埃米·罗森, 杰瑞米·艾伦·怀特, 伊森·卡特科斯基, 珊诺拉·汉普顿, 史蒂夫·豪威, 艾玛·肯尼, 卡梅隆·莫纳汉, 伊西多拉·格瑞新特, 斯科特·迈克尔·坎贝尔, 艾丽莎·科波拉


  • 国达人 第季 America's Got Talent Season 8


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Howie Mandel, Howard Stern, Nick Cannon, Mel B, Heidi Klum

  • 女与怪龙 歌舞伎十番「鳴神」 女と海龍


    导演:吉村公三郎   编剧:新藤兼人

    主演:河原崎長十郎, 東千代之介, 乙羽信子, 田代百合子, 河原崎しづ江, 日高澄子


  • 国历史 第二十季 American Experience Season 28

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:Randall MacLowry   编剧:Paul Taylor, Mark Zwonitzer

    主演:迈克尔·墨菲, James Robert Green, Doug Estepp, Rosemary Feurer, Thomas G. Andrews, Denise Giardina, Beverly Gage, Joe William Trotter Jr., Rebecca J. Bailey, C. Belmont Keeney, Billy Mitchell

      The trial of wealthy college students Leopold and Loeb, who murder a 14-year-old boy in 1924, sets off a national firestorm about morality and capital punishment.

  • 国版是如何来的 How The States Got Their Shapes


    导演:David Konschnik   编剧:


      We take the shapes of our states for granted, but the map of America could have
      looked very different.

  • 史密斯乐团:完景 The Smiths: The Complete Picture


    导演:德里克·贾曼, Tim Broad, Paula Grief   编剧:

    主演:史蒂文·帕特里克·莫里西, Craig Gannon, Mike Joyce, 约翰尼·玛尔, 安迪·洛克

      Thirteen Smiths' recordings, half of them in a club with a live audience. These alternate with five rock videos, two directed by Derek Jarman (Panic and Ask), two by Tim Broad (Girlfriend in a Coma and Stop Me...), and one by Paula Grief and Richard Levine (How Soon Is Now?). It concludes with Jarman's short film, "The Queen Is Dead," with a three-song soundtrack. The rock vide...

  • 老大哥(版) 第季 Big Brother(US) Season 8


    导演:Quinn Saunders, Philip Abatecola   编剧:

    主演:陈晓怡, Jameka Cameron, Joe Barber

      Contestants must compete against each other for a chance to win $500,000 in a house wired with cameras and microphones, capturing their every move for a TV and Internet audience.

  • 歌女五 歌麿をめぐる五人の女


    导演:沟口健二   编剧:依田义贤

    主演:坂東簑助, 坂東好太郎, 中村正太郎, 高松錦之助


  • 地狱厨房(版) 第季 Hell's Kitchen Season 8


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Gordon Ramsay

      Get ready for the heat of meijubar.net HELL'S KITCHEN as superstar chef Gordon Ramsay ushers in the series' red-hot ninth season with 18 new competitors.
      These aspiring restaurateurs will brave Ramsay and his wrath as he once again puts the competitors through rigorous challenges to see who has the skill and passion to win a life-changing prize: a head chef position at BLT Stea...