
  • 库尔班大叔和子孙

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:戴冰   编剧:程万里, 杨君, 陈思青

    主演:库尔班江·吐尔达洪, 张子健, 尚铁龙, 陈丽娜, 黑妹, 张林, 帕丽扎提·艾尼, 克比努尔, 秦隽哲


  • 谈论女人 Ladies They Talk About

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Howard Bretherton, William Keighley   编剧:Dorothy Mackaye, Carlton Miles

    主演:芭芭拉·斯坦威克, Preston Foster, Lyle Talbot

      Gun moll Nan Taylor, caught after an otherwise successful bank robbery, falls for radio crusader David Slade and confides her guilt to him. Much to her surprise, he turns her in. As a "new fish" at San Quentin, Nan fits right in, but won't see Slade, who still loves her. Then she learns that her former partners in crime, Don and Dutch, are on the other side of the wall in the m...

  • 小鼠波波和朋友 Maisy

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动画片电影, 儿童片电影

    导演:Leo Nielsen   编剧:Lucy Cousins

    主演:Brian Greene, Neil Morrissey, David Collins

      Maisy videos are created by Lucy Cousins specifically for very young children. Maisy is a lovable mouse who finds even the most everyday things enchanting. Cousins's simple, brightly colored, animated pictures feature bold graphics of Maisy and her friends gesturing, babbling, and acting like typical children. A narrator provides the barest of commentary, and each episode is pu...

  • 汤姆和朋友 Tom und Hacke

    类型:家庭片电影, 犯罪片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:Norbert Lechner   编剧:

    主演:Xaver-Maria Brenner, Fritz Karl, Franziska Weisz

      战后德国,父母双亡汤姆· 索亚和阿姨及表弟相依为命,却把全家赖以生存缝纫机弄坏了。

  • 伯格曼和演员 Bergman 101

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:   编剧:Peter Cowie

    主演:Peter Cowie

      本片是以旁白和图片以及影片片段组合方式展现。旁白是伯格曼电影研究学者彼得·考伊(Peter Cowie)评论式介绍,图片是伯格曼不同时期生活照片和工作照片,以及大量影片剧照。

  • 对你女儿干了什么 La polizia chiede aiuto

    类型:悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:马斯默·达拉马诺   编剧:马斯默·达拉马诺, Ettore Sanzò

    主演:乔瓦娜·拉利, 克劳迪奥·卡西内利, 马里奥·阿多夫


  • 称我为不合主流人 Dom kallar oss mods


    导演:Stefan Jarl, Jan Lindqvist   编剧:Stefan Jarl, Jan Lindqvist

    主演:Kenneth 'Kenta' Gustafsson, Gustav 'Stoffe' Svensson

      This is the story of "Kenta" & "Stoffe" and their friends. We get to follow
      them from when they're teenagers smoking dope and having fun. As the years
      pass "Stoffe" OD's on heroine and die ! "Kenta" get's of the heavy drugs
      while he still can. He is still with us.
      In the last one "Misfits To Yuppies", We get to meet their children who now
      is the age their parents was in the fir...

  • 小明和小伙伴 第一季

    类型:喜剧片电影, 儿童片电影

    导演:李志廷   编剧:李志廷



  • 小明和小伙伴 第三季

    类型:喜剧片电影, 儿童片电影

    导演:王博宇   编剧:蔡根, 李哲南, 李潇, 王伟朋

    主演:李潇, 魏子煜, 孔祥月, 李家明, 范金子


  • 托托和姐姐 Toto si surorile lui


    导演:亚历山大·讷讷乌   编剧:亚历山大·讷讷乌

    主演:Hovarth Ilie Nicusor Gabriel Petre, 安德烈·维奥莱塔·佩特, Ana-Maria Badulescu Petre, Siminica Badulescu Petre, Nicoleta, Ilie, Sile Petre, Nicu

      Toto and his two elder sisters come from a Roma family of junkies and drug dealers. Their troubled mother is again in prison, and little Toto is again waiting for her to come back. A tender, subtle observation of childhood, family relations and love. Non-sentimental and heartbreaking documentary.
      The camera is there when the fatherless Roma children visit their mother in prison...