
  • Is One of You Eddie?

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Michael Simon   编剧:Michael Simon

    主演:比尔·雅各布森, Felix Montano, Robert Laughlin

      Stereotypes are challenged as four attractive gay men unfairly judge their neighbor, Eddie, who doesn't fit the "West Hollywood" mold.

  • Er is een geest van mij


    导演:Mateo Vega   编剧:


      An attempt at mourning both personal and political futures that never arrived, organised around a broad interpretation of the trope of the ghost. We see depersonalised figures, urban ruins, consuming fires and microscopic images of decaying bodily matter – set to a poem that shifts between Spanish and Dutch.
      I'm greatly inspired by ideas of hauntology, once described by Mark Fi...

  • 亦如此 So Is This


    导演:Michael Snow   编剧:


    It is a featurette on the relationship of words and cinema.

  • 彼岸島 Love is over


    导演:岩本晶   编剧:佐東みどり, 伊藤秀裕

    主演:高野人母美, 柳百合菜, 石桥莲司, 白石隼也, 铃木亮平, 樱井美南, 远藤雄弥, 阿部翔平, 森冈龙, 栗原类, 佐藤惠, 水崎绫女, 藤重政孝, 上間凜子


  • 寻人 Chan Is Missing


    导演:王颖   编剧:Isaac Cronin, 王颖

    主演:王正方, Wood Moy, Marc Hayashi, Laureen Chew


  • Tomorrow is a Water Palace


    导演:Juanita Onzaga   编剧:Juanita Onzaga


      Described by its director, Juanita Onzaga, as a work of 'ancestral futurism', this dizzying visual journey takes on the perspective of Sybille, the last woman on Earth, a planet where water no longer exists. She seeks to communicate with the spirit of water, a carrier and transmitter of more memory than humans could ever remember. Shot on Super 8, this sensorial trip finds flui...

  • Jet Li Is 'The One'

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:   编剧:


  • Is the Museum a Battlefield?


    导演:黑特·史德耶尔   编剧:


      In Is The Museum A Battlefield (2013), she shows that the museum has long been one of the social settings

  • 穿靴子的猫2 Puss in Boots: The Last Wish

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动作片电影, 动画片电影, 奇幻片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:乔尔·克劳福德   编剧:克里斯托弗·梅勒丹德利, Chris Miller

    主演:安东尼奥·班德拉斯, Chris Miller, 凯莉·艾莉莎·弗拉纳根

      时隔11年,臭屁自大又爱卖萌的猫大侠回来了!如今的猫大侠(安东尼奥·班德拉斯 配音),依旧幽默潇洒又不拘小节、数次“花式送命”后,九条命如今只剩一条,于是不得不请求自己的老搭档兼“宿敌”——迷人的软爪妞(萨尔玛·海耶克 配音)来施以援手来恢复自己的九条生命。

  • 性喜剧 Sex Is Comedy

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 伦理片电影

    导演:凯瑟琳·布雷亚   编剧:凯瑟琳·布雷亚

    主演:Claire Monatte, Arnaldo Junior, Elisabete Silva, Júlia Fragata, Bruno Ramos, Alfredo 'Alebé' Ramalho, Rudolfo Santos, José Cascais, Sandra Maia, 安娜·帕里约, 格莱戈尔·科林, 罗克珊·梅斯基达, Ashley Wanninger, Dominique Colladant, Bart Binnema, Yves Osmu, Elisabete Piecho, Francis Selleck, Diane Scapa, Ana Lorena

      让娜(安娜·帕里约 Anne Parillaud 饰)是一位对待艺术极为挑剔、严格的女导演,由于资金有限,她必须全权掌控电影的每一步。因此,片场的让娜宛如暴君一般,毫无情面地统治着整个剧组。但是,即便专横跋扈如此,让娜仍然遇到前所未有的困难。她正在拍摄一部新片,其中有一场床戏却始终不够满意。男女主角(格雷戈尔·科林_Grégoire Colin & 罗珊娜·马奎达 Roxane Mesquida 饰),彼此憎恨,相互看不顺眼,更别提表现出些许的缠绵爱意。对此让娜无计可施,因为她已和男主角坠入爱河,男主角仗着这层关系散漫自大,恣意妄为,全然不惧让娜的威严。