
  • 神秘姐妹 Poto and Cabengo


    导演:让-皮埃尔·戈兰   编剧:让-皮埃尔·戈兰


      Gracie and Ginny are San Diego twins who speak unlike anyone else. Living largely cut off from the world, the two little girls have created a private form of communication that’s an amalgam of the English and German they hear at home.

  • 汉妮与南妮 Hanni & Nanni


    导演:Christine Hartmann   编剧:Jane Ainscough, Katharina Reschke

    主演:Katharina Thalbach, Heino Ferch, Hannelore Elsner, Anja Kling

      A drama centered around twins attending the same boarding school.

  • 青楼初次的秘密 Le Bordel, 1ère époque : 1900


    导演:José Bénazéraf   编剧:José Bénazéraf, Noël Simsolo

    主演:Jacques Point, Malvina Penne, Marie Saint Clair, Françoise Marichy, Maria Mancini, Stella Stefanova, Magda Mundari, Doris Thomas, Eva Zeteny, Françoise Avril, Jean-Pierre Mallet, Philippe Guignard

      Various stories intertwine within the walls of a popular Parisian brothel on the eve of the First World War.

  • 最后的决战 Chicago Overcoat

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影, 犯罪片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:Brian Caunter, Brian Caunter   编剧:John Bosher

    主演:Frank Vincent, Kathrine Narducci, Mike Starr, Stacy Keach

      The fates of an aging hitman and a washed up detective become entwined when one last job leads to one last chance to settle an old score.

  • 動物感傷的清晨 In the Morning of La Petite Mort


    导演:王育麟   编剧:

    主演:喜翔, 尹馨, 王自强, 庄益增, 詹慧玲, 王允之, 福地佑介

      A food delivery driver and a sex worker. A building superintendent and a cleaning woman. Their lives intertwined in the city.

  • 炽热的世界 The Blazing World

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:卡尔森·扬   编剧:卡尔森·扬, Pierce Brown

    主演:Breckyn Hager, Robert Lambert, Laurel Day, Bailey Lewis, 德蒙特·莫罗尼, 凡妮莎·肖, 卡尔森·扬, 乌多·基尔, 约翰·卡尔纳, 斯蒂芬妮·索科琳斯基, Liz Mikel, Sophia Bernard, Adam Anderson, Lillie Fink, Josie Fink

      Decades after the accidental drowning of her twin sister, a self-destructive young woman returns to her family home, finding herself drawn to an alternate dimension where her sister may still be alive.

  • 香烟女孩 Gadis Kretek

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:Ifa Isfansyah, 卡米拉·安迪妮   编剧:Ratih Kumala

    主演:Tutie Kirana, Winky Wiryawan, 迪马斯·阿迪亚, Nungki Kusumastuti, Whani Darmawan, 哈罗·桑德拉, Aksara Dena, Siti Fauziah, Dyah Novia, 迪安·萨斯特劳沃德约, 阿里奥·巴尤, Arya Saloka, 普特里·马里诺, 伊布努·贾米尔, Sheila Dara Aisha, Tissa Biani Azzahra, 鲁克曼·罗萨迪, 威尔第·索莱曼, Ine Febriyanti, 普里特·蒂莫西

      Cigarette Girl (2023), which has garnered significant attention due to the couple Kamila Andini and Ifa Isfansyah, delves into the life of a female protagonist entwined with the 1960s Indonesian cigarette industry.

  • 个人最佳 Personal Best

    类型:剧情片电影, 运动片电影

    导演:罗伯特·汤   编剧:罗伯特·汤

    主演:玛瑞儿·海明威, 斯科特·格伦, Patrice Donnelly

      The intertwined lives and loves of three highly-ranked athletes striving for the national team; Chris bounces between the beds of male coach Terry and her female friend, competitor, and role model

  • 两个保密者 Two Can Keep A Secret


    导演:Jack Ayers   编剧:

    主演:Jenny Miller, May Kelly, Danielle Scott

      After her twin sister Aubrey goes missing, Jennifer uncovers the scandalous, secret double-life that AUBREY leads - and that has put both of them in danger.

  • 亚美利加纳 Americana

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:托尼·托斯特   编剧:托尼·托斯特

    主演:Tony Tost, 亚历克斯·奈特, Jasper Keen, Megan Hensley, 西德妮·斯威尼, 保罗·沃尔特·豪泽, 扎恩·迈克拉农, 埃里克·迪恩, 哈尔希, 托比·哈斯, 哈里特·桑塞姆·哈里斯, 西蒙·雷克斯, 乔·阿德勒, Austin Boyce, Donald Cerrone

      When a rare Lakota Ghost Shirt falls into the black market in a small town in South Dakota, the lives of local outsiders and outcasts violently intertwine.