
  • 孽海枭雄 Knock on Any Door

    类型:剧情片电影, 犯罪片电影, 黑色电影片电影

    导演:尼古拉斯·雷   编剧:丹尼尔·塔拉达什, 小约翰·蒙克斯, Willard Motley

    主演:Jack Jahries, Ray Johnson, Donald Kerr, Paul Kreibich, 杜威·马丁, 希德·梅尔顿, Eda Reiss Merin, 约翰·米彻姆, Philip Morris, Helen Mowery, Richard Bartell, Garry Owen, 保罗·巴克斯里, Netta Packer, Joan Baxter, 乔·帕尔马, 埃迪·博登, Eddie Parker, Hazel Boyne, 比拉·帕金顿, 阿亨蒂娜·布鲁内蒂, 杰克佩里, 乔治·钱德勒, Chuck Colean, 詹姆斯·科纳蒂, 切斯特·康克林, 亨弗莱·鲍嘉, 约翰·德里克, 乔治·麦克雷迪, 艾琳·罗伯茨, Candy Toxton, 米基·诺克斯, 巴里·凯利, 弗洛伦丝·奥尔, 文斯·巴尼特, Theda Barr, 李·费尔普斯, Rose Plumer, Ed Randolph, Davis Roberts, Jimmy Conlin, Franz Roehn, Connie Conrad, Mabel Smaney, 柯特·康韦, 豪泽利·史蒂文森, 卡萝尔·库姆斯, Brick Sullivan, 安妮·康尼瓦尔, 查尔斯·沙利文, Homer Dickenson, Sid Tomack, Dudley Dickerson, 乔·多尔蒂, Mary Emery, 富兰克林·法纳姆, Dorothy Vernon, Peter Virgo, Ralph Volkie, 皮埃尔·沃特金斯, Al Ferguson, Blackie Whiteford, 萨姆·弗林特, 卡拉·威廉姆斯, Jody Gilbert, 杜利·威尔逊, Sol Gorss, 哈里·威尔逊, William Haade, 杰夫约克, 弗兰克·哈格尼, Betty Hall, Joy Hallward, 罗伯塔·海恩斯, 迈伦·希里, George Hickman, 艾尔·希尔, Wesley Hopper, 约翰·因德里萨诺

      An attorney defends a hoodlum of murder, using the oppressiveness of the slums to appeal to the court.

  • 蝙蝠侠大战双面人 Batman Vs. Two-Face


    导演:里克·莫拉莱斯   编剧:迈克尔·杰勒尼克, 詹姆斯·塔克

    主演:波特·瓦德, 亚当·威斯特, 威廉·夏特纳, 朱莉·纽玛, 琳恩·玛丽·斯图尔特, 托马斯·列农, 吉姆·瓦德, 斯蒂文·韦伯

      Former Gotham City District Attorney Harvey Dent, one side of his face scarred by acid, goes on a crime spree based on the number '2'. All of his actions are decided by the flip of a defaced, two-headed silver dollar.

  • 战火扶南 Funan


    导演:Denis Do   编剧:Denis Do, Magali Pouzol, Elise Trinh

    主演:席琳·荣特, Thierry Jahn, Eugénie Anselin, Jérôme Varanfrain, 玛佳丽·罗森茨威格, 贝热尼丝·贝乔, 路易·加瑞尔, Colette Kieffer, Aude-Laurence Clermont Biver, Brice Montagne, Franck Sasonoff, Hervé Sogne, Maxime Baudoin, Tom Trouffier, Lila Lacombe, Emilie Marié

      The survival and the struggle of a young mother during the Khmer Rouge revolution, to find her 4-year-old son, torn from his family by the regime.

  • 被英国遗忘的军队:中国劳工兵团 Britain's Forgotten Army


    导演:Simon Chu   编剧:Simon Chu

    主演:阿德里安·鲍尔, 乔安娜·林莉

      The story of the 140,000 Chinese workers who left their homes and came to war-torn Europe in 1917 and risked their lives for the Allied war effort, but whose vital contribution seems to have been airbrushed from history.

  • 尾行狐妖 มอญซ่อนผี


    导演:Achira Nokthet   编剧:

    主演:肖恩·金达科特, 纳塔奇·司隶朋通, 沪瓦隆·威伍飒, Nutcha Jeka, Timethai Plangsilp, 赫拉达奈·苏万纳霍姆, Puvadol Vechwongsa

      由Mike Panatatrat执导的新片《尾行狐妖》(恐怖片)6月22日星期一正式开机,制作期预计要到9月30日,初步定于10月27日首映礼。制作公司是五星电影公司,《鬼三惊2》便是出自该电影公司。
      导演Phontharis Nawapaiboon @mike_phontharis @fivestarmovies
      @james_vejvongsa @seanjindachot @timeworthy @fluke_pongsatorn

  • 博尔赫斯纪事 Borges para millones


    导演:里卡多·伍利彻   编剧:

    主演:豪·路·博尔赫斯, Margarita Bali, 玛丽亚·儿玉

      Entrevista a Jorge Luis Borges y a otros en torno a la vida del famoso escritor.Una autobiopgrafia en el mas puro estilo borgiano.

  • 费城检察官 Philly D.A.


    导演:约尼·布鲁克, Ted Passon   编剧:约尼·布鲁克, Ted Passon, Nicole Salazar

    主演:Larry Krasner

      Promising to reform law enforcement and reduce the number of people who are incarcerated, the progressive Larry Krasner is elected District Attorney of Philadelphia in late 2017. But his plans are not universally welcomed.

  • 世界之爱 L'Amour du Monde


    导演:珍娜·哈斯   编剧:Jenna Hasse, Nicole Stankiewicz, Julien Bouissoux

    主演:Clarisse Moussa, Esin Demircan, Marc Oosterhoff

      On the shores of Lake Geneva, teenager Margaux meets a 7-year-old foster child and a young fisherman in his thirties. The trio find themselves torn between attraction, disappointment and the desire to escape.

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