
  • 星命难违 Athena

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影, 歌舞片电影

    导演:Richard Thorpe   编剧:威廉·路德维格, 莱昂纳德·施皮格尔加斯

    主演:简·鲍威尔, 黛比·雷诺斯, Virginia Gibson, Nancy Kilgas, Edmund Purdom

      Attorney, Purdom, and singer, Damone, romance two sisters, Reynolds and Powell, who live with and are strongly influenced by eccentric, health oriented and star gazing grandparents.

  • 假日 Holiday

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:Edward H. Griffith   编剧:菲利普·巴里

    主演:安·哈丁, 玛丽·阿斯特, 爱德华·艾沃瑞特·霍顿

      A young man is torn between his free-thinking lifestyle and the tradition of his wealthy fiancée’s family.

  • 只有我能喜欢你 มิสเตอร์ดื้อ กันท่าเหรียญทอง

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Chainarong Tampong   编剧:Weeravat Chayochaikon

    主演:查侬·散顶腾古, 素帕莎拉·塔纳查

      《把哥哥退货可以吗》、《限时好友》后,泰国最瞩目爆笑爱情喜剧《只有我能喜欢妳》(Love and Run),找来全台破亿天菜《模犯生》「阿班」查农桑提纳同库(Chanon Santinatornkul),颠覆《模犯生》中天才资优生形象,在新片中化身中二屁孩,只为了保护小自己一岁的女神小姑姑「小琳」,泰国超人气女神苏帕莎拉珊纳洽(Supassra Thanachat)饰演,查农使出浑身解术要斩断女神所有桃花!

  • 凝视奥尔雷德 Seeing Allred


    导演:Roberta Grossman, Sophie Sartain   编剧:

    主演:Gloria Allred

      Women's rights attorney Gloria Allred takes on the biggest names in American culture as coverage of sexual assault allegations in the media become more prevalent.

  • 雷克军曹 Sergeant Ryker


    导演:Buzz Kulik   编剧:Seeleg Lester, William D. Gordon

    主演:李·马文, 维拉·迈尔斯

      During the Korean War Sergeant Paul Ryker is accused of defecting to Communist China and then returning to his unit as a spy.He's court-martialed and sentenced to death but his attorney believes Ryker's innocent and asks for a new trial.

  • 爱疯学院 Crazy Love รักป่วนมอ

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:MR.Worarit Ninklom   编剧:

    主演:纳塔奇·司隶朋通, Suttinut Uengtrakul, woranun nalatworasakul, KARN, Tum Marninphun

      泰国2015校园爱情喜剧《Crazy Love》
      @nineksnine @mild_suttinut @famefame1a @kkankarnn
      @pattarabut @tum_marnin @fluke_pongsatorn @mo_amena @iiikeng @ball_fuu @tonigi @paan_phanarin @sun_kpn

  • 你全属我 Ikaw ay akin

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:伊斯梅尔·贝尔纳尔   编剧:伊斯梅尔·贝尔纳尔, Jose N. Carreon

    主演:诺拉·阿诺尔, 薇尔玛·桑托斯, 克里斯托弗·德莱昂

      Rex Aguilar is torn between two women: her girlfriend for 5 years Tere, and the woman gave her excitement Sandra.

  • 镜前一吻 The Kiss Before the Mirror

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影

    导演:James Whale   编剧:

    主演:Nancy Carroll, Frank Morgan, Gloria Stuart

      When a famous doctor kills his adulterous wife, he is defended by his best friend, an attorney--who suspects that his own wife is having an affair.

  • 难以为家 No Simple Way Home


    导演:Akuol de Mabior   编剧:Akuol de Mabior

    主演:Rebecca Nyandeng de Mabior, Nyankuir Garang de Mabior

      Akuol de Mabior is the daughter of a martyr of the revolution in South Sudan. As her mother is sworn in as vice president, the young woman tries to find out if this country torn by civil war can ever become her home.

  • there with fantastic garlands did she come


    导演:Sofía Peypoch   编剧:


      La mirada es testigo de los espacios que se construyen en los contornos de la sombra. De la noche se desprenden espectros que transfiguran la memoria. Un recuerdo de cerrados párpados.