
  • La torna


    导演:弗朗西斯科·贝尔蒙   编剧:弗朗西斯科·贝尔蒙


      Former cartoonist Francisco Bellmunt entered Spanish cinema as a short filmmaker after co-founding Vértigo, a production company, with J.M. Minguella. Bellmunt made his feature-length directorial debut with Pastel de Sangre/Blood Cake/Terror Among the Early Christians in 1971, following it with Robin Hood Nunca Muere/Robin Hood Never Dies in 1974. In 1975, Bellmunt's career swi...

  • 尤利西斯归来 Nostos: Il ritorno


    导演:弗兰科·皮亚维奥利   编剧:弗兰科·皮亚维奥利

    主演:Bruno Minniti, Alex Carozzo, Giuseppe Marcoli, Paola Agosti, Mirella Fabbri, Branca de Camargo

      At the end of the war, Nostos, the wandering hero, with his companions begins his sail back home to the Mediterranean. The conclusion of his adventure is delayed by many natural obstacles and he takes an internal journey of fleeting memories of his childhood, his parents, love for a beautiful girl, nostalgia for the past, regret for what he did, and the deep silence that envelo...

  • 群尸屠城2 Dèmoni 2... l'incubo ritorna


    导演:兰贝托·巴瓦   编剧:Dardano Sacchetti, 达里奥·阿基多, Franco Ferrini

    主演:David Edwin Knight, Nancy Brilli, Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni, Bobby Rhodes, 艾莎·阿基多


  • 狼人之夜 El Retorno del Hombre-Lobo


    导演:Paul Naschy   编剧:


      Filmed in the real castles of Spain The Night Of The Werewolf is one of Naschy's most impressive films a sumptuous Gothic feast that pits Naschy's werewolf Waldemar Daninsky against the Blood Countess herself Elizabeth Bathory.

  • 十米跳台 Hopptornet

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:阿克塞尔·丹尼尔森, 马克西米利·范·艾崔克   编剧:


      作为关于弱势处境下的人类的趣味研究,短片《十米跳台》记录下初次站上十米跳台的人们面临的跳与不跳的抉择,以物理实验般的极简方式通过固定机位、分屏和慢镜头观察对象的决定过程和克服心理障碍前后的面貌,反映个人恐惧和尴尬退缩之间的权衡,直至跳跃的瞬间化解观察产生的张力。入围2016年柏林电影节短片竞赛单元。 (豆瓣电影字幕翻译2.0小组)

  • 一代枪王续集 È tornato Sabata... hai chiuso un'altra volta!


    导演:吉安弗兰科·帕洛里尼   编剧:Renato Izzo

    主演:李·范·克里夫, 莱纳·顺纳, Giampiero Albertini, Ignazio Spalla, 安娜贝拉·英孔特雷拉, Jacqueline Alexandre

      Master gunslinger Sabata arrives in Hobsonville, a town completely owned by McIntock, a robber baron who is taxing the inhabitants for the cost of future improvements to the town...

  • 重返利斯卡岛 Ritorno a Lisca Bianca

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼   编剧:米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼

    主演:加布里埃尔·费泽蒂, 莫妮卡·维蒂, 蕾雅·马萨利

  • 迷魂药公司 Ta' mej doktorn


    导演:Andrei Feher, 热拉尔·格雷戈里   编剧:Andrei Feher

    主演:Morgane, Dolores Romero, Daniel Trabet, Richard Gester, Jean-Luc, Marie Laffont, 克莉丝汀·洛黛, Magali Pell, Marina Delestrade, Hubert Géral, 帕特丽齐娅·高里, Christine Béton, Eva Bestucci, Chris Regan, 玛丽莲·杰斯, Brigitte Latour, Flore Sollier

      A couple has a very open marriage allowing for both of them to enjoy sex with additional partners, but seemingly only women. Professor Rasputin, the husband, really loves to find hot young women and have sex with them and his wife in threesome fashion. Eventually, him and the wife turn their lovemaking into a business where the Prof poses as a sex doctor with the wife as his as...

  • 回头无路 Sin retorno

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Miguel Cohan   编剧:Ana Cohan, Miguel Cohan

    主演:Daniel Valenzuela, Manuel Longueiras, Claudia Cantero, 马塞洛·丹德烈亚, 拉米罗·布拉斯, Abian Vainstein, Carlos Defeo, 莱昂纳多·斯巴拉格利亚, Martin Slipak, 巴巴拉·戈纳加, Luis Machín, 安娜·塞伦塔诺, Arturo Goetz, Agustín Vázquez, 费德里科·路皮, Felipe Villanueva, Rocío Muñoz, Antonia Bengoechea

      A thriller centered on a man who is accused of a crime he didn't commit.

  • 爱丽莎之女——重返里伏布罗萨 La Figlia di Elisa - Ritorno a Rivombrosa

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Stefano Alleva   编剧:

    主演:Paolo Seganti, Anna Safroncik
