
  • 烈焰百合 Tuliliilia

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影

    导演:Maria Avdjuško   编剧:Maria Avdjuško, Leana Jalukse, Al Wallcat

    主演:Eva Eensaar-Tootsen, Epp Eespäev, Ingrid Isotamm, Rasmus Kallas, Johann Urb

      After a painful divorce, Pia attempts to go on with her life. Having moved into a new apartment, she starts feeling that she is being visited by someone or something mysterious at night which she cannot quite explain.

  • 尸……体 Cada ver es...


    导演:Ángel García del Val   编剧:


      The life and thoughts of Juan Manuel Espada, keeper in charge of the morgue sited at the Medicine University of Valencia.

  • 显灵 L'Apparition


    导演:泽维尔·吉亚诺利   编剧:泽维尔·吉亚诺利, 雅克·菲耶斯基, 玛西娅·罗马诺

    主演:文森特·林顿, 加拉泰亚·贝露琪, 帕特里克·德阿萨姆曹, 安纳托·陶布曼, 埃琳娜·勒文松

      A journalist is sent by the Vatican to investigate a young girl claiming to be visited by the Virgin Mary.

  • 罪可能 La culpa, probablemente


    导演:Michael Labarca   编剧:Michael Labarca

    主演:Vanessa Morr, Abilio Torres, Sara De La Osa

      It is the dead of night and there is a blackout in the city. A single mother is visited by Cándido, her former partner and her most recent failure as a father figure for her little daughter. He returns as he wants to protect them in the dark, probably..

  • 重现凡尔赛:太阳王消失的宫殿 Versailles Rediscovered - The Sun King's Vanished Palace


    导演:Marc Jampolsky   编剧:Marc Jampolsky, Noah Morowitz

    主演:Geoffrey Finch

      Unique scanning technologies and new excavations will offer fresh insight into the world's most visited palace and the life of the Sun King.

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