
  • 米丝蒂的诱惑 The Seduction of Misty Mundae


    导演:Michael Raso   编剧:Michael Raso, John Paul Fedele

    主演:Misty Mundae, Julian Wells, Mario Duchi

      米斯蒂(米丝蒂·蒙达伊 Misty Mundae 饰)是一个平凡的十八岁女孩,一天,她来到乡下,投奔住在那里的姑妈英嘉(Julian Wells 饰)。和青涩单纯的米斯蒂不同,英嘉是一个风情万种性感美艳的成熟女人,她身边的男人们接二连三换个不停。在英嘉的身边,米斯蒂第一次感受到了性带给她的紧张刺激的感觉,对这件她从未经历过的事情充满了幻想和希冀。

  • 诱惑男女 Women and Men: Stories of Seduction

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:弗雷德里克·拉菲尔, 托尼·理查德森, 肯·罗素   编剧:瓦勒里·科廷, 琼·狄迪恩

    主演:博·布里奇斯, 梅兰尼·格里菲斯, 伊丽莎白·麦戈文, 莫利·林沃德, 彼得·威勒, 詹姆斯·伍兹

      Three short stories come to the screen, each focused on a man and a woman. The first is set in the 1940s, the other two in the 1920s. In "The Man in a Brooks Brothers Suit," a businessman of about 40 plies a younger Leftist women with liquor aboard a train. They spend the night together, and he decides he's in love with her. She plays along. In "Dusk Before Fireworks," Kit, a y...

  • 乔·泰南的诱惑 The Seduction of Joe Tynan


    导演:杰瑞·沙茨伯格   编剧:阿伦·阿尔达

    主演:梅丽尔·斯特里普, 阿伦·阿尔达, 芭芭拉·哈里斯, 茂文·道格拉斯

      Respected liberal Senator Joe Tynan is asked to lead the opposition to a Supreme Court appointment. It means losing an old friend and fudging principles to make the necessary deals, as well as further straining his already part-time family life. But it could be a big boost to his career, so he takes it on. Helping him prepare the case is pretty southern researcher Karen Traynor...

  • 伊伦嘉:诱惑的艺术 Ehrengard: The Art of Seduction

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:比利·奥古斯特   编剧:安德斯·弗里斯夫·奥古斯特, 卡琳·布里克森

    主演:克里斯托弗·莱索, Sara-Marie Maltha, Lone Rødbroe, 爱丽丝·比尔·赞登, 埃米尔·阿伦·多夫, 基特·艾希勒, 阿斯格·法尔克, 米克尔·福尔斯加德, 保罗·赫特尔, Jakob Højlev Jørgensen, 西瑟·巴比特·科努德森, Emilie Kroyer Koppel, Alban Lendorf, 雅各布·豪伯格·罗曼


  • 园丁鸟的魅力艺术 BBC Natural World Bowerbird The Art of Seduction


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:David Attenborough

      园丁鸟的魅力艺术(Bowerbirds: The Art Of Seduction

  • 坎塔基豪侠 The Kentuckian

    类型:剧情片电影, 西部片电影

    导演:伯特·兰卡斯特   编剧:A·B·小格思里, Felix Holt

    主演:伯特·兰卡斯特, 黛安妮·佛斯特, 戴安娜·琳, 沃尔特·马修, 约翰·麦克因泰, 尤娜·默克尔, 约翰·卡拉丁, 约翰·利特尔, 里斯·威廉姆斯, 爱德华·诺里斯

      A delicious love story centered around a single father attempting raise his son despite the temptations of liquor and women. Lancaster shines as the stable and regal frontiersman fending off the seductions of Walter Matthau and lewd desires.

  • 未成年诱惑 Teenage Seductress

    类型:剧情片电影, 伦理片电影

    导演:Chris Warfield   编剧:克里斯·沃菲尔德

    主演:桑德拉·库瑞, 克里斯·沃菲尔德, Elizabeth Saxon

      A woman who never got over the fact that her father abandoned her as a child tracks him down with only one desire - to ruin his life just as he ruined hers. A tragic incestuous game of deceit and seduction begins.

  • 战火时代 :希特勒青年团 Hitler Youth


    导演:David Korn-Brzoza   编剧:

    主演:Adolf Hitler

      Doctrinal press-gang and seduction tool, political instrument of the Nazi Party, paramilitary vector in the preparations for war, the Hitler Youth becomes an instrument to deliberately sacrifice an entire youth.

  • 诱惑时代 유혹시대


    导演:郑仁烨   编剧:Yu-sun Lim

    主演:吴秀妃, 金镇娜, 李惠淑, 李营河

      On a dare, a woman allows her friend to attempt a seduction of her boyfriend. Despite the boyfriend initially rejecting the temptress, she is determined to see him give in to her and continues her advances long after the bet is finished.

  • 史蒂夫的哲学 The Tao of Steve

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Jenniphr Goodman   编剧:Duncan North, Greer Goodman, Jenniphr Goodman

    主演:Donal Logue, Greer Goodman, James 'Kimo' Wills

      Underachieving, overweight kindergarten teacher Dex finds a woman who forces him to reexamine his Zen-like system of seduction.