
  • 净化大师 The Cleanse

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Bobby Miller   编剧:Bobby Miller

    主演:约翰尼·盖尔克奇, 黛安娜·方, 安杰丽卡·休斯顿, 安娜·弗莱尔, 凯尔·加尔纳, 奥利弗·普莱特, 凯文·J·奥康纳

      The Master Cleanse centers on a heartbroken man who attends a spiritual retreat, only to discover that the course releases more than everyday toxins and traumatic experiences.

  • 树木遗失的记忆 Las memorias perdidas de los árboles


    导演:Antonio La Camera   编剧:Antonio La Camera

    主演:Michel Isioshe, Arjan Mije Okioshe Mejee, Yoel Ekioy Tioshe, Zara Meshi Mihaheja, Huane Viashemo Felix

      In the heart of the Peruvian Amazon rainforest, two trees awaken in the night and set out on a spiritual journey, uncovering a past life in which they were two little brothers.

  • 类型:纪录片电影

    导演:佩德罗·冈萨雷斯·卢比奥   编剧:佩德罗·冈萨雷斯·卢比奥


      Inori is a great Japanese / spiritual / scientific documentary. Uncovering deep Human Being truths. A must watch

  • 三摩地 第一部 玛雅,自我的幻象 Samadhi


    导演:Daniel Schmidt   编剧:Daniel Schmidt, Tanya Mahar

    主演:Tanya Mahar, 勒内·笛卡尔, 阿尔贝·加缪, 唐纳德·特朗普, 吉杜·克里希那穆提

      Samadhi Part 1 is the first installment in a series of films exploring Samadhi, an ancient Sanskrit word which points toward the mystical or transcendent union that is at the root of all spirituality and self inquiry.

  • 信仰 Shraddha

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Jasraj Padhye   编剧:Jasraj Padhye

    主演:Vikram Gokhale, Anshuman Jha, Vinati Makijany

      Shraddha is a short narrative drama that explores ideas of faith and spirituality in India. Through its characters , different perceptions that people have about religious leaders in the country are investigated.

  • Zombie Allegiance


    导演:Tony Nunes   编剧:Tony Nunes


      A zombie/slasher flick set in a post nuclear WWIII America. Political psychosis, delusional genocide, and ritualistic cannibalism make this a zombie flick like no other.

  • 义盗娇娃 The Burglar

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影, 黑色电影片电影

    导演:保罗·温杜斯   编剧:大卫·古迪斯

    主演:丹·德亚, 简·曼斯费尔德, 玛塔·威克斯

      Dan Duryea and his cronies rob a fake spiritualist and then take it on the lam to Atlantic City.

  • 面具 Masques

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Jérôme Boulbès   编剧:


      Two masks face each other, gazed at by a multitude of strange stares. A signal is given, starts a dance, a ritual fight.  两个面具惊慌失措地互相对视。忽然间一个信号,舞蹈拉开了一场正式较量的帷幕。

  • T

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:凯莎·雷·威瑟斯彭   编剧:凯莎·雷·威瑟斯彭

    主演:Kristian Simmonds, Koko Zauditu-Selassie, Kherby Jean, Jesus Mitchell, Rashad R. Williams, Raymond Gratereaux, Marcus Blake, Don-Dimitri Joseph, Ruth Burotte, Fred Simmonds, Kori Simmonds, Kai Simmonds

      “When you do things with your hands, it heals you in places lower than where you cry from,” she says. A film that is a manifestation of grief, anger and the spiritual power of creativity.

  • 神奇动物管理员 第二季 The Mighty Boosh Season 2

    类型:喜剧片电影, 歌舞片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Paul King, Steve Bendelack   编剧:Julian Barratt, Noel Fielding

    主演:Julian Barratt, Noel Fielding, Michael Fielding, Rich Fulcher, Dave Brown

      A weekend country retreat runs into trouble, when local Kodiak Joe convinces Howard he can find the elusive Yeti He requires Howard's help www.2kyb.com to gain Vince's affections as an exchange. The Yeti's hypnotic rituals threaten the entire group.