
  • 阿奎采拉莫 Acuitzeramo

    类型:剧情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Miguel Angel Caballero   编剧:Miguel Angel Caballero

    主演:Sal Lopez, Matias Ponce, Luis Aldana

      Salvador, a gay Mexican elder who has lost his partner of 15 years, calls his partner's estranged son, Anthony, to tell him of his father's passing. Unaware of their relationship, Anthony ...

  • 涅槃:百乐门现场 Nirvana: Live at the Paramount

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:Mark Racco   编剧:

    主演:科特·柯本, Dave Grohl, 克里斯特·诺沃塞克

      Fresh off the release of what was soon becoming the seminal album of a generation, Nirvana took to the stage of Seattle's famed Paramount Theatre to an unwavering homecoming crowd while on the road in support of Nevermind. Launching the nineteen song set with a brilliant cover of the Vaselines "Jesus Doesn't Want Me For A Sunbeam," the band cranks out their soon-to-be iconic so...

  • 佩德罗·巴拉莫 Pedro Páramo


    导演:José Bolaños   编剧:José Bolaños


  • 超越前线 Framom främsta linjen

    类型:剧情片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:Åke Lindman   编剧:

    主演:Tobias Zilliacus, Ilkka Heiskanen, Christoffer Westerlund, Kim Gustafsson, Martin Bahne, Carl-Gustaf Wentzel


  • 玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇:艺术家在场 Marina Abramović: The Artist Is Present

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:马修·艾克斯, 杰弗里·杜普雷   编剧:

    主演:玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇, 乌雷, Klaus Biesenbach, David Balliano, Chrissie Iles, Arthur Danto, 大卫·布雷恩, 詹姆斯·弗兰科, 拉什卡·伯格曼, Ashton Swinford

      本片跟随记录了素有当代行为艺术祖母之美誉的塞尔维亚行为艺术家玛瑞娜·阿布拉莫维克(玛瑞娜·阿布拉莫维克 Marina Abramovic 饰)于2010年在纽约现代艺术博物馆MoMA举行的大型回顾展Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present的全过程。该次展览中,艺术家曾经最著名的几件行为艺术作品通过受邀的30位年轻当代艺术家重现,而玛瑞娜·阿布拉莫维克本人则在对艺术与人类无限的追逐反思中再次创作了一件惊世骇俗却又动人心扉的行为艺术作品。同时本片还回顾了玛瑞娜·阿布拉莫维克与曾经的灵魂伴侣Ulay之间的爱恨情仇。而Ulay与玛瑞娜在表演现场的和解也让所有人为之动容。

  • 佩德罗·巴拉莫 Pedro Páramo

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 战争片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:罗德里戈·普列托   编剧:罗德里戈·普列托, 胡安·鲁尔福

    主演:曼努埃尔·加西亚-鲁尔福, 特诺切·韦尔塔, 伊尔丝·萨拉斯, Mayra Batalla, Dolores Heredi, 乔瓦娜·扎卡里亚斯, 诺伊·埃尔南德斯, 罗伯特·索萨, 赫克托·科特思法基斯, Yoshira Escárrega

      Uno de los anuncios más esperados y que más expectativa ha causado es la adaptación cinematográfica del clásico de la literatura universal Pedro Páramo de Juan Rulfo. Bajo la producción de Netflix, el debut como director del cinefotógrafo nominado al Oscar, Rodrigo Prieto ya tiene su elenco, el cual estará encabezado por Manuel García-Rulfo y Tenoch Huerta.
      La novela, considera...

  • 遗产 L'eredità Ferramonti


    导演:莫洛·鲍罗尼尼   编剧:Sergio Bazzini, Roberto Bigazzi

    主演:安东尼·奎恩, 法比奥·泰斯蒂, 多米妮克·桑达

      Rome, 1880. Gregorio has decided to close his bakery, the family business. Then he tells his sons Pippo, Mario and daughter Teta that they will have to fend for themselves. But newly married Irene, Pippo's wife, a beautiful, calculating and ambitious young woman, wants to take over the inheritance. Acting on intelligence, weighing every step and its consequences, she manages to...

  • 未命名安德烈·萨金塞夫/派拉蒙电视剧计划 Untitled Andrey Zvyagintsev/Paramount Project

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:   编剧:奥莱格·涅金, 安德烈·萨金塞夫 Andrey Zvyagintsev


  • 玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇的巴西幻旅 The Space in Between - Marina Abramovic and Brazil

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:Marco Del Fiol, Gustavo Almeida   编剧:玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇, Fabiana Werneck Barcinski

    主演:Denise Maia, Matheus Miranda Mattos, 玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇, Dorothy W. Cooke, Narcisa Cândido da Conceição, Itamir Damião, João de Deus, Aldaci Dos Santos, Florentina Pereira Dos Santos, Maya Parvati Bastos Duarte, Zezito Duarte, Andy Grace, Rudá Iandé

      Marina Abramovic travels through Brazil, in search of personal healing and artistic inspiration, experiencing sacred rituals and revealing her creative process. The route is comprised of poignant encounters with healers and sages from the Brazilian countryside, exploring the limits between art and spirituality. This external trip triggers in Marina a profound introspective jour...

  • 美人如玉剑如虹 Scaramouche

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 历史片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:乔治·西德尼   编剧:乔治·弗罗斯切尔, 拉菲尔·萨巴蒂尼, 罗纳德·米勒

    主演:埃琳诺·帕克, 斯图尔特·格兰杰, 珍妮特·利

      After Andre Moreau finds he is the secret bastard son of a recently deceased noble, he realizes that it his own sister that he's romantically drawn to.