
  • 蓝色狂想曲 Rhapsody in Blue

    类型:剧情片电影, 歌舞片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:Irving Rapper   编剧:Clifford Odets, Elliot Paul, Howard Koch

    主演:罗伯特·阿尔达, 琼·莱斯利, 亚历克西斯·史密斯, 查尔斯·科本, 朱莉·毕晓普, 艾尔伯特·贝瑟曼, 莫里斯·卡诺夫斯基

  • 肉体的恶魔 Le Diable au corps

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:克洛德·奥当-拉哈   编剧:雷蒙德·哈第盖, 让·奥朗什, 皮埃尔·博斯特

    主演:雅克·塔蒂, 埃德蒙·博尚, 夏尔·维西埃, 米切林内·普雷斯利, 杰拉·菲利浦, 丹尼丝·格雷, 让·德比古, 帕洛, 让·拉腊, 米歇尔·弗朗索瓦, 里夏尔·弗朗克尔, 马克斯·马克苏迪安, 热尔梅娜·勒杜瓦扬, 让娜·佩雷

      一次偶然中,安德里亚(热拉尔·菲利普 Gérard Philipe 饰)注意到了名为茱莉亚(米切林内·普雷斯利 Micheline Presle 饰)的美丽女孩,然而,茱莉亚此时已经有了未婚夫贾科莫(Richard Francoeur 饰),两人即将携手步入婚姻的殿堂。可是,在这个节骨眼上,贾科莫却因为参与了左翼运动而遭到了当局的逮捕和审判,身陷囹圄,他和茱莉亚的婚事自然无期限的延后了。

  • Creeps: A Tale of Murder and Mayhem

    类型:科幻片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Jack Mulvanerty   编剧:

    主演:Jack Mulvanerty, Johnny Dickie, Joshua Bruce

      Two friends Johnny and Jack go out in the woods looking for a body of a missing person who is thought to have been murdered by a serial killer in a small town. While searching the woods Johnny encounters the killer and ends up being murdered Jack and his friend up and end the killer or killers end of violence. This movie is a fun slasher, with a ton of gore.

  • 尸体交易 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" The Diplomatic Corpse

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Paul Henreid   编剧:Robert C. Dennis, Alec Coppel

    主演:Peter Lorre, George Peppard, Mary Scott

      Evan Wallace and his wife Janet take Janet's wealthy mother on an sightseeing trip to Mexico. Janet's Mother suddenly dies in the back seat of their car. They cover the body and stop at a café for a soothing drink. When they return, they discover that the car has been stolen. Since they need the body to claim their inheritance, they hire a detective. The detective eventually fi...

  • 减肥的4个简单步骤 How To Lose Weight In 4 Easy Steps

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:本杰明·伯曼   编剧:亚伦·布莱耶特

    主演:贝克·班尼特, 布丽特·洛薇尔, 杰西·霍奇斯, Dennis Nicomede, 柯南·奥布莱恩, Willy Roberts, Zachary Scruggs, Darrell Snedeger

      Losing weight and getting fit has never been easier! Shed those unwanted pounds with these simple tricks your gym doesn't want you to know about. You won't believe what happens next!
      由Aaron Bleyaert的真实经历改编,讲述了一个关于失恋-减肥-收获幸福的励志故事。第一步:不喝啤酒;第二步:控制食量;第三部:让你心碎成渣渣......

  • Filthy McNastiest: Apocalypse Fuck!

    类型:喜剧片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Chris Seaver   编剧:Chris Seaver


  • Keepsake!

    类型:恐怖片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Nathan Hine   编剧:Nathan Hine


      A new horror film from Nathan Hine.

  • 战争启示录 Whoops Apocalypse


    导演:Tom Bussmann   编剧:大卫·伦维克, Andrew Marshall

    主演:Stuart Saunders, Graeme Garden

      A small British colony is invaded by its Communist neighbour. Newly elected female President of the United States, Barbara Adams, tried to sort out the mess but the British under the leader of PM Sir Mortimer Chris sends in a task force to seize the islands back. For revenge, General Mosquera, leader of the Communist country, hires the best terrorist in the world, Lacrobat, to ...

  • 辛普森一家 第三十四季 The Simpsons Season 34

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动画片电影

    导演:   编剧:马特·格罗宁, 詹姆斯·L·布鲁克斯, 萨姆·西蒙



  • 希特勒启示录 Apocalypse - Hitler


    导演:Isabelle Clarke, Daniel Costelle   编剧:Daniel Costelle

    主演:马修·卡索维茨, 阿道夫·希特勒 Adolf Hitler
