
  • 汽油彩虹 Gasoline Rainbow


    导演:比尔·罗斯四世, 特纳·罗斯   编剧:Davey Ramsey, 比尔·罗斯四世, 特纳·罗斯

    主演:Tony Aburto, Micah Bunch, Nichole Dukes, Nathaly Garcia, Makai Garza

      Follows 5 teenagers from small-town Oregon who, with high school in the rearview, decide to embark on one last adventure: to make it to a place they've never been -the Pacific coast, 500 miles away. Their plan, in full: "F**k it."

  • 喋血之影 Solamente nero


    导演:Antonio Bido   编剧:Antonio Bido, Domenico Malan

    主演:里诺·卡波利奇奥, 克雷格·希尔, 马西姆·塞拉托

      The body of a schoolgirl is found in a meadow. The murderer is never caught, and years later; a young man named Stefano returns to the island and is reunited with his brother, the local priest

  • G3 Live in Denver (2004) (V)


    导演:   编剧:


      The G3 summit rules in favor of the power of rock in the electrifying Live In Denver! Join six-string legends Joe Satriani and Steve Vai with special guest Yngwie J. Malmsteen for a guitar odyssey you'll never forget.

  • 青葱时代 어른도감


    导演:金仁善   编剧:金仁善

    主演:严太九, 张慧珍, 徐正妍, 李在仁, 李胤熙, 孔尚雅

      A fourteen year old girl meets her uncle who has never really grown up.

  • L’État des lieux sera dressé à onze heures en présence de la femme du poète


    导演:Martin Verdet   编剧:


      Poet and radio producer Franck Venaille’s study is being emptied. Micha Venaille and Martin Verdet find in it many recording of his voice. The place becomes a stage of all that is never done in a dead man’s room.

  • 黑色的星星 Les astres noirs

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Yann Gonzalez   编剧:扬·冈扎乐兹

    主演:朱利安·多雷, Julie Brémond, 凯撒·东布瓦, Paul Schmitt, 桑迪·拉克达尔, Mahault Mollaret

      Macha, Nathan and Walter are awaited by a young man outside the high-school. He's here to lead them. Away from the city. To the sea. Into a night they might never return from.

  • 性的张力短片集2 Tensión sexual, Volumen 2: Violetas

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:马可·伯格, 马塞洛·布里恩·斯塔姆   编剧:马可·伯格, 马塞洛·布里恩·斯塔姆

    主演:查理·艾切夫斯, Natacha Etchévers, 卡米拉·罗马尼奥洛, Cindy Santos, Ana Lucía Antony, Candela García Redin, Pedro Jover, Sofía Romano, Violeta Sinaí, Giselle Motta, Naiara Awada, Pablo Scorcelli, María Canale, Jimena López, 哈维尔·德彼得罗

      该电影由6个小短片组成,风格撩人到欲罢不能,拍摄手法细腻,细节捕捉到位,所以更能触动人心,堪比微含蓄的软Porn。这些短片可能只是生活中的小插曲,可能是故事的结局,you'll never know~~~ (by 小浅@悸花网)

  • 火箭发射时


    导演:刘博濠   编剧:


      At the basketball camp, 15-year-old Fang talks about her dream. Life never stops and moves fast. Her phone fell in water. There are too many stairs to climb. The adults decide her future and the rocket keeps launching every month.

  • 再世风流劫 The Reincarnation of Peter Proud

    类型:悬疑片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:J. Lee Thompson   编剧:Max Ehrlich

    主演:迈克尔·萨拉兹, 玛戈·基德, 詹妮弗·欧内尔, 科妮莉娅·夏普

      When college professor, Peter Proud begins experiencing flashbacks of an earlier life, he's mysteriously drawn to a place he's never been to, but which seems familiar and where he soon finds his previous incarnation's wife.

  • 僵尸营地世界末日 World Ends at Camp Z

    类型:动作片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Ding Wang   编剧:Diane Janna

    主演:Anne-Carolyne Binette, Dean Persons, Osawa Muskwa

      During the pandemic, the present camp owner is forced to entertain the new buyer then learns of his evil intentions towards the land. In order to stop the sale he has tricks up his sleeve but a zombie uprising was never one of them.