
  • 如何取悦女人 How to Please a Woman


    导演:Renée Webster   编剧:Renée Webster

    主演:莎莉·菲利普斯, Kameron Hood, 艾瑞克·托马森, 亚历山大·英格兰

      When her all-male house-cleaning business gets out of control, a mature woman must embrace her own sexuality, if she is to make a new life for herself.

  • 永别了,苏维埃 Hüvasti, NSVL


    导演:Lauri Randla   编剧:Lauri Randla

    主演:Enrico Oja, 帕努·欧加, 托努·欧加, Elina Pähklimägi, 安妮·里曼, Elene Baratashvili, Dima Bespalov, Ülle Kaljuste, Sten Karpov, Luule Komissarov, Jekaterina Kordas, Niklas Kouzmitchev, Piret Krumm, Rauno Joonas Kungas, Tatjana Manevskaja, Jekaterina Novosjolova

      A coming of age story of Johannes, who is born prematurely to a premature single mother on the dramatic background of the collapsing Soviet empire.

  • 夏日舞会 Baile


    导演:Cíntia Domit Bittar   编剧:Cíntia Domit Bittar

    主演:Adriane Canan, Chico Caprario, Emilly de Jesus

      There are days that mature us more. Andréa is only ten years old and may not yet realize that her day was like this.

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