
  • 皇家海军陆战队阿富汗任务 royal marines mission afghanistan


    导演:Chris Terrill   编剧:

    主演:Chris Terrill, 42 Commando R.M.

      Award wining director/cameraman Chris Terrill, the only civilian to have won a Royal Marines green beret, embeds with the Royal Marines of 42 Commando Company during their 6 month deployment to Afghanistan. The marines main job is to protect the small village of Loymanda. Lima Company, posted to Checkpoint Toki, patrol one of the most dangerous square miles in the world, riddle...

  • 战锤40000:极限战士 Ultramarines

    类型:科幻片电影, 动画片电影

    导演:Martyn Pick   编剧:Dan Abnett

    主演:Sean Pertwee, Steven Waddington, Donald Sumpter, Johnny Harris, Ben3e Bishop

      本片由马丁-皮克(Martyn Pick)执导,为这部时长70分鐘的CG电影配音的演员包括特伦斯-斯坦普(Terence Stamp)、西恩-帕特维(Sean Pertwee )以及史蒂芬-威丁顿(Steven Waddington)。负责编剧的是布拉克-莱布罗瑞(Black Library)和丹-阿佈内特(Dan Abnett)。

  • 潜水艇 Submarine

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:理查德·艾欧阿德   编剧:理查德·艾欧阿德

    主演:克雷格·罗伯兹, 帕迪·康斯戴恩, 莎莉·霍金斯, 诺亚·泰勒, 亚丝明·佩奇, 戴伦·伊万斯

      十五岁的奥利弗(克雷格•罗伯兹 Craig Roberts 饰)坐在教室里的时候脑中总是充满各种幻想,周围的一切对他来说都是普通中蕴含奇异的存在。在同学里他总是显得不合群,他注意到同学祖娜(雅思敏•派吉 Yasmin Paige 饰)也是如此。祖娜在铁桥下约见奥利弗并拍下两人亲吻的照片以此来刺激前男友,奥利弗为此付出了被祖娜前男友教训的代价,而这却让两个人真正走在一起了。奥利弗的父母关系紧张,眼下他又发现母亲和隔壁新搬来的格雷厄姆走的很近,他开始试图挽救自己的家庭。而祖娜的母亲正患脑瘤,奥利弗想要解决问题却分身乏术,和祖娜误会重重最终导致两人分手。最后他的父母重归于好,祖娜的母亲也病愈。而他和祖娜将走向什么结局呢?

  • 潜水艇 Submarine


    导演:Mounia Akl   编剧:Mounia Akl, 克拉拉·罗奎特

    主演:Yumna Marwan, Julian Farhat, Gladys Abou Sleiman

      Lebanon, 2017. The garbage crisis has not been solved, the health threats are now bigger than ever and more acid rain is coming. Everyone in town, disillusioned and fed up with it, has decided that this situation cannot go on anymore, and plan to leave, forever. Hala, however, hardened wild child in the body of a young woman, who has been hiding in her nest for a long time, ref...

  • 潜艇三明治 Submarine Sandwich

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:亚当·派瑟帕恩   编剧:亚当·派瑟帕恩


  • 清晨撤离 Morning Departure

    类型:剧情片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:Roy Ward Baker   编剧:W.E. Fairchild

    主演:John Mills

      The crew of a submarine is trapped on the sea floor when it sinks. How can they be rescued before they run out of air?

  • 海底两万里 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

    类型:科幻片电影, 奇幻片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:迈克尔·安德逊   编剧:Joe Wiesenfeld

    主演:Richard Crenna, Ben Cross, Julie Cox

      In the 19th century, an expert marine biologist is hired by the government to determine what's sinking ships all over the ocean. His daughter follows him. They are intercepted by a mysterious captain Nemo and his incredible submarine.

  • 蓝色任务 Mission Blue


    导演:罗伯特·尼克松, Fisher Stevens   编剧:Mark Monroe, Jack Youngelson

    主演:James Cameron, Michael deGruy, Sylvia Earle, Jeremy Jackson, Carl Safina

      Feature documentary about legendary oceanographer, marine biologist, environmentalist and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Sylvia Earle, and her campaign to create a global network of protected marine sanctuaries. Currently in post-production.

  • 白象 White Elephant

    类型:动作片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:杰西·约翰逊   编剧:杰西·约翰逊, 埃里克·马丁内斯

    主演:迈克尔·鲁克, 约翰·马尔科维奇, 欧嘉·柯瑞兰寇, 布鲁斯·威利斯, 迈克尔·罗斯, 瓦迪尔·德尔贝斯, 华金·蒙特斯, 约瑟夫·坎农

      An ex-marine enforcer must battle his conscience and code of honor when he is forced to do things for the mob.

  • 蓝 Blau

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:大卫·詹森   编剧:大卫·詹森


      The ocean. The vastness of the sea. A whale cow and her calf. In Blau the life and mythology of these giant marine mammals are woven into one fantastical story.